Chapter 28

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Rosa's POV

We arrived to the address and I looked to see Normani pulling out two guns.

"So Megan just sent you a mini police force?", I asked.

"Look I tried to convince her but unfortunately years of my wife being in the streets has led to this.", she said pulling out another gun.

"Ms. Maraj and Mrs. Pete, I have been informed to indulge with you on this business meeting and any other one today.", said Phil.

"P have you ever even caught a body?", asked Normani.

"Several actually.", he said.

"Well I'll be damned.", she replied.

"Welp Phil I guess you're tagging along, just follow my lead.", I said.

"Of course Ma'am.", he said.

He got out of the car and opened the door to let us out. Once we were out we looked around.

"For him to be such a rich motherfucker he sure does have his girl staying in the slums.", said Normani.


I walked up the cracked walkway and banged on the door. An older woman opened the door.

"How may I help you?", she asked.

"I'm looking for the baby mother of August Alsina, name being Jada.", I said.

"That'd be me.", she said.

I heard both Normani and Phil mumble a damn.

"Well I'm sorry to say this but—

The bullet I let off in her head cut me off. I didn't even mean to do that.

Nicole: No time for sweet shit, next job.

I just shrugged it off and began my walk to the car. Neighbors came out looking for what the sound was. I didn't attempt to hide or anything.

Phil opened our door me getting in first, Normani next.

Once it was closed Phil got in and started the engine.

"Well that was fast.", said Normani.

"No time to waste, we have to ready ourself for the auction, I'm thinking shop till we drop.", I said pulling out Beyoncé's black card.

"You read my mind.", she said pulling out Megan's card

"Shopping it is.", said Phil pulling off.

Giselle's POV

"So you're telling me we have no shipments from Ireland or Russia?", I asked.

"Look G you know I've been rocking with you for the longest, I've never shorted you or anything, I wouldn't lie.", said Dana. Also known as Queen Latifah.

"I know you wouldn't but what the fuck been going on?", I asked becoming aggravated.

I haven't been to Jersey in over a year and a half so when Rih told me no product has been coming in I was on a flight immediately.

"Something on their side ain't right, I've reached out and nothing back.", she said.


"Calm down G, look give us a name.", Said Rihanna.

"Ivan.", said Dana.

"Okay send Gal, she'll get them in check.", I said grabbing my stuff.

"Russia isn't gonna let an Israeli in anywhere near them.", said Dana.

"Well looks like she has quite a bit of work to do.", I said.

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