Chapter 3

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Nicki's POV

Bey and I finally got in the car to go kill Meek's bitch ass. I had been lowkey waiting to blow that nigga head off.

Before Giselle damn near fried my brains I couldn't think of laying a finger on Meek's head, but the electricity excited something in me. It made me do anything I was thinking, it made me stop holding back on what I wanted.

It made every rational part of me leave. I was tired of being that cautious, workaholic bitch. I was ready to enjoy my life, and those feelings for Giselle I was done hiding also. I wanted every part of her. With the exception of IV I wanted a intimate relationship with all of them, I loved how they worked together to form such a beautiful person like Beyoncé.

I mean yeah there are some fucked up parts but that's from trauma. Unlike everyone else I can see that Beyoncé is a good person.

"What you thinkin bout?", Bey asked snapping me out my thoughts with her hands on my leg. Before we left Sasha left and Bey came in to take over.

"Nothing, just thinking.", I said with a smile. "But I have a question, what do you like to do?", I asked .

"To sing, Sasha and I can sing our asses off but things happened.", she said while gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"Hey don't stress yourself out, I'll be happy to listen to you sing.", I smiled.

"Nah, that's only for special people.", she laughed.

"Wooowww, it's okay just gimme 3 months you'll fucking love me.", I said as she pulled into Meek's driveway. I knew exactly where he lived and I was ready to make this nigga suffer.

Before Bey could even come around, I hopped out the car and skipped up to his door. I banged on the door because loud music was playing and there was an extra car in the driveway which meant that some bitch was over her.

Within seconds a woman opened the door in a robe and a frown quietly spread across her face.

"Where is Robert.", asked Bey behind me.

"Why the fuck does that matter to you?", asked the woman with a slight neck roll.

"Choose your words carefully.", Bey said calmly. This is what made Bey so damn crazy, she was able to keep her composure and rationality but still act a damn fool.

"BAE WHO IS THAT AT THE DOOR?!", screamed Meek from the top of the stairs.

"Some stupid ass bitches looking for you.", she said before turning around. When she was fully turned around Bey grabbed her neck from the back and sliced it from ear to ear.

"That bitch talked to fucking much.", she muttered before stepping over her as she struggled to breathe. A part of me was disgusted but I felt good seeing her struggle.

I walked over to Beyoncé as she stood at the bottom of the steps staring Meek in the eyes. Without breaking eye contact she asked, "Is this him Mamas?" The smirk on my face was like no other. Her velvet voice always did something to me, it made me wet but it also made me feel safe.

"Yea Bubba.", I said, when I was younger I had a stuffed animal and it always made me feel safe and secure and his name was Bubba. They remind me of Bubba and the name fit them.

"Nicki who the fuck is this bitch??", asked Meek. Bey chuckled before turning to me.

"Do you wanna watch him die?", she asked.

"No Bubba, gimme your gun.", I said. She handed the gun and I pulled the trigger back and looked into the barrel seeing the lead tip.

"Y'all hoes are crazy if you think y—"

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