Chapter 36

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I love y'all 🫶🏾🤭


Rosa's POV

Tanya: So when are you gonna let Tina rearrange your gu—

Nicole: T don't start, it's literally 8 in the morning.

Tanya: It's always T this, T that, y'all come lame ass tricks.

I sat in the car waiting for Beyoncé to come back from the Apple Store. Tanya decided to be a drama queen and ended up breaking their phone. I had to get her out of the situation before Sasha killed her.

I scrolled through TikTok and saw one of the little cute couple slideshows. Then as it went on it showed that the boy ended up dying the day he was gonna propose. Somehow my mind traveled to Beyoncé, specifical—

"Them bitches are too dumb to be considered tech specialists.", she said with an eye roll.

"Did you get the phone?", I asked.

"Yep, got the new 15, I even got you one and the new Apple Watch.", she said handing me a bag. That's when I noticed it was Tina and I got that tight feeling. She made me feel emotions that are familiar but uncommon.

Nicole: You just get all the special treatment.

"You welcome mama.", she said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Tina right?", I asked.

"Yes Ro it's me.", she smiled while pulling out into the street.


"Because one you took your shoes off, and two you're biting the inside of your lip while talking to me.", she said still holding my hand.

SEE, I feel like this is a set up and I don't like it. She's sweet, kind, observant, protective, and low key scary.

"Where else we need to go?", she asked stopped at the light.

"I've been craving cookies.", I said.

"Okay so insomnia it is, but first you need actual food.", she said making me roll my eyes.

"Don't do it again." She said sternly without taking her eyes off the road. And DOMINANT in all the best ways. She took her hand from me and grabbed her phone.

"The password is your birthday, can you turn on some music?", she asked before handing me the phone and taking my hand again. I just sat dumbfounded for a minute because did she just tell me her password?

I put it in and the phone opened. I went to YouTube and turned on some SZA.

"Why normal girl?", she asked.

"SZA's a vibe why not?", I replied. I honestly was in love with her. She never did too much on her songs, and every song wasn't about the same thing.

"Where do you want to eat?", she asked.

Nicole: Say Popeyes, I want a chicken sandwich.

"Popeyes.", I replied.

"You ain't said nothing but a word.", she smirked before picking up speed.


Sasha's POV

"So when do you plan to get back out in the street?", asked Megan over the phone.

"I'm not sure, is everything going okay?", I asked while signing a check for a business partner.

"Somewhat, still looking for Marcus.", she said.

"How the hell can't y'all find a 50 year old piece of shit?", I asked.

"B, you know damn well he's smarter than you thin—

"I also know that you're smarter than him so get this shit done.", I said.

"Yeah okay.", she said with a slight attitude.

"call me when it's done.", I said before hanging up.

Marcus was Robert's partner in crime you can say. I knew Nicki mentioned him when we met her father. Since then we've been looking for him but he seems to be hiding out. Megan and Rihanna have been asking me for a while now when I was gonna get back to business but since the situation with Ivan I've been focused on Nicki and the girls.

"Mama, Rumi won't leave me alone, she keeps taking my dolls.", said blue with a red face.

"RUMI PLAY NICE!", I yelled. She smiled and walked out the room.

I looked through emails, most of them being about how things were running in other states. I knew Megan and Rihanna were right but a part of me wanted to settle and focus on family. My plan never was to fall in love, but Nicki made it hard and before I knew it she had me.

"Bubba, we have a problem.", said Nicki barging into my office. Lord it's always something.

"What's the issue?", I asked.

I was scrolling through TikTok and look.", she said turning the phone to me.

It showed a building getting burned down and people in mask standing outside holding automatic guns.

"Okay what's the problem?", I asked not getting the point.

"Beyoncé that's your club in Miami.", she said.

I looked closer at the video and for sure saw the name G-SPOT on the top of the building. When the video got to the end a voice could be heard.

"This is our city, our stomping ground, shit don't come for free."

I could feel my eye twitch and my fist clench.

"Get packed.", I said simply handing her back the phone.


"Go get packed.", I said sternly. She sighed and left the room.

I think motherfuckers like making me angry. I have been giving these bitches peace, sparing them. But they want to see what the fuck I can do.

Tina: What about the kids.

I picked up the phone and called Normani.

"Hey Bey, wassup?", she asked.

"Can you watch the kids for a while?", I asked.

"That's not even a question, when do I need to be there?", she asked.

"Tomorrow morning if possible."

"Consider it done.", she said.

"You're a life saver.", I replied.

"You know I got you, I gotta go though, Megan's back.", she said before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Back to the bullshit again.


Took a little minute to write this but it's done.

I hope y'all enjoy it, I'm trying my best to get back into this shit but I'm getting there.

What y'all want updated next.

I love y'all and plz leave feedback.


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