Chapter 6

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Giselle's POV
Next Day

I was sitting in my study going over all my off shore accounts and things like that. I have a banker for that but I sometimes check for myself.

Nicki and I haven't talked personally since the whole situation about a week ago. Yoncé and Tina insist that I apologize but I say fuck it.

Blue and Rumi had nothing to do with Nicki. My friend Michelle was taking good care of them and of course I missed them but I didn't want them going days on end without seeing with me.

Blue was about 3 while Rumi was about 7 months. I knew neither one of their fathers and honestly didn't need to. A part of me was always guilty because I don't have a good relationship with them but I had business and I prayed they understood that.

"So I had to ease drop to hear about your kids?", asked Nicki as she stood in the doorway.

"NICKI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING STANDING BY MY DOOR?!", I yelled. I hated when people invaded my privacy.

"Well Giselle if you would've told me a week ago instead of kicking me out of the car then we wouldn't have this problem.", she said while stepping in the room.

"Nicki you got .5 seconds to get the fuck outta my damn office.", I said standing up.

"Giselle when I agreed to stick with you, I prepared myself for this so if you think you're gonna intimidate me, STOP.", she said now standing in front of my desk. My anger was boiling because usually when I got this mad people backed off but it was different with her. She wasn't scared nor fazed, to be honest she was just as angry as me.


"But I am and I plan to always be, since we've been side by side for this week have I shown any signs of being untrustworthy?", she asked. To be honest she hadn't, she was honest. She wasn't worried about sex, money, or anything like that. Which  made me even more curious about her. Why in the hell would she want a dysfunctional piece of shit like me.

"Why?", I asked in a low tone.

"Why what?"

"Why do you want me, it's obviously not for money or sex so why do you want me so damn much, I'm broken and damaged.", I said with tears welling in my eyes. I wanted so bad to leave and let someone else front but no one was there.

Nicki was now standing in front of me. I reached to dry the tears but she moved my hand back. She grabbed my head and wiped the tears with her thumbs.

"Can I tell you something?", she asked while looking into my eyes. I nodded. She sat on my desk and pulled me in between my legs. "Lay your head down, I want you to hear my heart along with my voice.", she said while pointing to her chest. I laid my head down on her soft breast and began to listen to the heart beat. I synchronized my breathing with hers and listened.

"When I first met you I planned to stick to business and let our sessions be like my other patients but when I walked in the room and looked into your eye I was stuck. Your eyes met mines and us having a normal session was out the window, something told me to concentrate on you and truly connect with you, and once I learned your story I was attracted because I just couldn't think how people could do such things to a beautiful woman like you, the world has given you it's fair share of bullshit, I want that to stop,

of course the world isn't gonna stop being cruel and ruthless and throwing shit at you left and right but, I will walk with you through this journey called life, I will be there for the ups, downs, round abouts and all, y'all aren't alone anymore, y'all don't have to hide any part yourselves because I will accept it,

So to answer your question, the reason I'm here is to be the person you confide in because even though you are hard, rough, and cold hearted, you still need someone to talk to about the pain and bad times and I'm that person, Giselle I'm the one who is gonna do it and always will.", by the time she was done I was in tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

She was right I needed someone to lift me up when the world put me down. Yeah I had other people who loved me but I hated bothering them with my problems.

"Let me love you and I promise you won't ever feel alone again.", she said. I finally raised my head and looked in her eyes. She could see the reluctant look in my eyes.

She reached for my hand and led me out of the room. We walked up the stairs and to my room. She opened the door and looked back at me. She began to undress and once she was done I saw all the bruises. They looked old but why were big and looked like someone marked them multiple times.

"My mother worked two jobs because my father was a no good crack head, and when she was gone he'd take me to his dealer's house and make me do nasty things with men to get his drugs.", she said. "This bruise is from when 2 of my ribs broke, you know my father got a bunch of plastic wrap that you put on leftovers and wrapped my ribs area in it and sent me the next day like my ribs weren't broken.", she said. She looked up from her body and gulped hard to push back the tears.

"Is he still alive?", I asked.

"Yeah somewhere in New York, this happened from the age of 7 to the age of 16 when I finally found a way to get away by going to prep school."

"I'm sorry he hurt you, you didn't deserve to get your childhood snatched from you like that.", I said.

"Take off your clothes.", she said. I looked at her like she was crazy. I wasn't comfortable at all showing my body, usually when I fucked woman they didn't even touch me.

"I'm not comfortable doing that Nicki.", I said with my head down sitting on the bed. She walked toward me and made look up at her.

"I'm not gonna have sex with you, I promise you.", I said. I sighed and reluctantly began to take of my clothing.

Once they were all off she approached the bed and sat on the other side of me. She ran her hands over my toned abdomen. I felt the slight shiver travel through my back.

She began to kiss the scars, wounds, and bruise. I honestly at first was nervous and tensed, but once she was done she just laid beside me with her head on my shoulder.

"From this point forward you can't push me away, if you do I'll be there to pull you back to me, and you're taking a 3 month break from work and we're gonna go see your kids, you will not neglect those kids, I understand them being with Michelle but that doesn't give you a reason to not talk to them.", she said.

This is one reason I loved her, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and let it be known when I'm in the wrong.

"Okay, but can I tell you something?", I asked .


"I wanna thank you, and you might think after this getting me to open up will be hard, but it won't I've been waiting for you all my life and now that you're here I have so many things to tell you.", I said truthfully. Being alone to some people makes it hard for someone to care for them but me I've been waiting.

"Well good because I'm ready to care for you baby and no one is gonna stop that.", she said before kissing my forehead.


Sorry guys for any mistakes, I have a double ear infection so I'm kind of rusty and out of it. But I love y'all and I hope you guys love the chapter.


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