Chapter 8

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Nicki's POV
August 14, 2021
1 Week Later


I promise around this house I could never go a second without being called. Someone always had to yell, they could never talk normally or even text me. For the past week or so Giselle has been out and about more. Unlike before last week she hasn't been an asshole as much. She still adjusting to our relationship but she is getting there.

"Baby you didn't hear me calling you?", she asked as she stood in the doorway.

"Well I did but you didn't even give me time to get up.", I said. She nodded and came to lay next to me in the bed putting her head on my chest.

"Well Blue and Rumi will be here in about a hour and a half and I'm not gonna lie I'm nervous as shit."

"Why they're your kids, I'm sure they miss you."

"I mean yeah they miss me, but Blue is at that age where she questions a lot and I don't even know I'll tell her when she asks where I've been."

"Giselle I'm sure she'll be too happy to even wonder, and even if she does you tell her the truth.", I said.

"Aren't you nervous?", she asked while looking up at me.

"As shit, why do you think I'm still in the bed and it's 12 PM."

"Blue is a sweetheart but Rumi is very territorial of me so she might be a problem but she'll get used to you.", she said. When she talked about them she sounded so much happier and more vulnerable.

"How'd you sleep last night?", I asked. I could feel her tense up at my question. Lately she's been having nightmares but every time I ask her about them she changes the subject.

"Alright, just another bad dream.", she said while playing with her fingers which was an indication that she was lying.

"Giselle look at me." She didn't budge so I flipped us over so she was on her back and straddled her. "You know whenever you have those dreams you can tell me, I don't like it when you don't get sleep because then you aren't in the best mood which isn't good because I don't get to see that gorgeous smile and that pretty laugh."

"You always say sappy shit, and yes I do know that I can tell you I just don't like waking you outta your sleep.", she said.

"Well how about this, I'll go to sleep cuddled under you so then I know when you're having your bad dream, and I'll be happy to stay up with you as long as possible.", I said before smiling.

"You would do that?"

"Giselle of course I would what did I tell you last week, it isn't you against the world anymore, it's us against the world."

"How the hell did I get such a good person like you?"

"Don't know and don't care but you got me and you ain't gonna lose me.", I said before leaning in giving her a kiss. At first it was innocent but as it went on it got heated. We both fought for dominance and I guess I caught her by surprise because I won which led to us damn near rolling off the bed.

I pulled away and looked deep into her eyes. They showed that she was holding back and I knew exactly why. "You aren't ready", I said while climbing off.

"What you mean I'm not ready, my panties say different.", she whined.

"Giselle both of us have been through sexual trauma, now what we have did with other people it doesn't matter but we are together, I want as much pleasure as I can get and give, so till we're both comfortable we won't have sex.", I said.

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