Chapter 15(C14 Pt2)

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Giselle's POV

"We'll look here ramen noodles, I don't know who you are but I need to see my girl."

"Look here giraffe, you either gon get my name right or you gon get yo ass whooped right here right now.", said Roman.

"Look here lad—."



"You were about to call me a lady, I am a male.", he said with an eye roll.

"WHATEVER, where is my girlfriend and how are you here if sh—.", I cut myself off and thought for a minute before realizing.

"Lord please don't tell me you and I have multiple perso—."

"Yes Giselle we both do, now explain to me why it takes your big satellite ears ass to make me come out?", he asked.

"Look I fucked up and I'm sorry but I need to talk to Nicki so I can fix this.", I said with a pleading tone.

"Well Giselle I don't know about that because my job in Nicki's system is to protect her and everyone else, and you my friend, are the most dangerous person to them so I can't do that."

"Come on please, I never beg but I love her so much that I will, just please.", I said now with a tear rolling down my eye.

"Fine, but one wrong move and I promise I'll have you ass on a silver platter.", he said before leaving. The tear rolling down their showed me that Nicki was back. This go round though she held a look of anger.

"Giselle why am I here again?", she asked.

"Because I wanna apologize, I wasn't okay, what I did wasn't okay, nothing about the situation was okay and I'm sorry truly, because you deserved none of that, you did nothing but love us and I did nothing but take it and slap you in the face."

"Beyoncé I accept your apology, but that won't make me trust you aga—.", she said.

"Onika there's nothing more I can tell you to make you trust me so I'll give you better and show you, my mama always would tell me I can show you better than I can tell you, so I'll show you that I'm better and I can treat you better.", I said while holding her hand.

"Fine but promise me you won't hurt me, I can't and won't go through that again.", she said with her pinky out, I quickly locked mines with hers.

Yoncé: Thank God, you didn't pussy out.

"Fuck you Yoncé."

"That too, you need to watch your image and language when you're around the girls.", she said.

"Why what happened, did Blue say something?", I asked.

"No Giselle she didn't, but you can't be out here in these streets and coming around them with the streets still on you.", she said.

"Okay but the real question is are you coming with me?", I asked.

"What do you mean, I have to watch the girls.", she said.

"Come on, you barely got a chance to see how I live life, I wanna show you how it truly feels to have a whole state worship you.", I said with a grin. Rehab taught me things about controlling my emotions with the people I love but it didn't teach me to love people. Kelly, Rihanna, Solange, Megan, Normani, Nicki, and of course my kids. Other than them everyone else is irrelevant. The money, the power, the notoriety I still love, I'm not addicted to it but I strive for it.

"Giselle how about you just slip out of the game for a bit, spend time with your kids, go on a hiatus."

"But I've been gone for 3 months, I need to get back out there, people are gonna think I'm pussy and I'm scared after the Jamaicans.", I said.

"See you're more worried about your image than about your family, I never said you couldn't run your business I just said I don't want you out in the streets, so you can run your business but I don't want your ass being a rugrat."

"Okay, I'll lay low for a bit but once I'm back in you have to come with me.", I said.

"Fine, but I want at least a year and a half."

"Tanya I'm not going ghost for a damn year and nothing.", I said. I was fine with 4 more months but not 18 more. She swiftly straddled my lap and cupped my face.

"Please Zaddy.", she whispered seductively in my ear making sure to lick my earlobe in the process. For a minute I was willing to fall in except this wasn't Nicki at all. I remember the morning Yoncé and Nicki got into it. I gripped her shoulders pushing her a couple inches away from me.



Yoncé: G if you could just let me step in for 30/45 minutes I'll love you for eternity.

Me: Not happening, you two don't even need to be left alone for 2 minutes.

"Well Tanya, you and I will not be doing this tonight.", I said while taking her off my lap.

"Wow so you're just gonna do me like that?", she asked in a thick New York accent.

"Yes I am because I'm supposed to be changing sweetheart, for the better of us as a family, but here I'll give you a tip, take your phone, get some headphones and got to safari and look up Pornhub, it solves all of my problems.", I said while getting up.

I gathered my things and headed towards the door but before I even touched it I ran back and gave her a long kiss.

"Let the journey begin, before you know it you'll be Mrs. Maraj-Knowles.", I smiled


Okay this ain't the longest thing ever but it's just a lil sum sum.

I love y'all and this chapter is for my fren howblack she started her new book Lust and y'all better go check it out And show her some love.


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