Chapter 14

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Bey's POV
1 1/2 hours later

We have been here for almost an hour and it feels so good to be around the girls. Blue was a little stand-offish but Rumi was going for the head. She literally almost climbed up my leg to get to me. Nicki just sat and watched as I interacted with them, it was kind of nerve racking but I just kept pushing it to the side. I could feel the couch dip and once I turned around Blue sat beside me with teary eyes.

"Mama I'm sorry for making you leave, I didn't mean to upset you.", she said snuggling into my side holding me like her life depended on it. I looked down at her then at Nicki who just watched me.

"Baby it's not your fault, Mama wasn't doing well so I had to go get some help, you did nothing wrong, for anything I was wrong for treating you and your sister like that.", I said. She looked at me confused then looked at Nicki.

"Mama I thought you left because of me.", she said.

"No Baby, mama left so she could get better for you and your sister, and guess what?", I asked with a smile.

"What?", she asked while jumping up and down.

"I'm so much better that I can now do this.", I said before attacking her with kisses all over her face.

The living room filled with laughs and screams from Blue trying to fight my kisses away.

"MOMMY HELP, SHE'S GONNA SWALLOW ME WHOLE!" Before I knew it Nicki was on my back fighting me.

The tables turned and Nicki was tickling me while Rumi and Blue kissed all over my face.

It felt good to hear their laughs again. They were all I thought about while in rehab and those same laughs got me through the whole thing.

Once everyone was tired out we just laid and watched a movie till both Blue and Rumi were asleep. Nicki and I carried them to their beds and tucked them in before going back downstairs and laying on the couch, but this time she didn't lay down. She just looked at me like she was waiting for something.

Giselle:I'm not ready.

Me: You have no other choice, either you come out or we don't see her again.

Giselle's POV

"Why G?", she asked before I could even speak up. "I did nothing but loved you, I did nothing to deserve my life being threatened by the person I love most." I looked up to see her teary brown eyes and it made me crumble.

Tina: Don't even think about leaving.

I sighed and did the breathing technique I learned in rehab. Before looking back up into her eyes and showing her my emotions before verbally saying them.

"You hurt me G, the look in your eyes that did something to me, I haven't been right since, I tell myself that I hate you but I can't help but miss you, miss y'all, more and more but I can't love you because I can't trust you.", she said between sniffles and sobs. I couldn't stand to see her like this, especially since I caused it.

I went in to hug her but she just pushed me away. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!", she screamed. I ignored her statement and this time went in making sure to get ahold of her and not let her go. She of course tried to resist but I ignored the scratches and screams she delivered into my chest.

"Calm down Onika!", I said sternly. It just made her get more aggressive and I soon felt the blood dripping from my shoulder.

"ONIKA STOP IT AND LISTEN!" I yelled. It not only scared her but it calmed her down. She couldn't even fight anymore she could only cry.

For a while I rubbed her back until the calmed down. Once I heard the cries stop I began to compose myself.

"You know I'm truly sorry for the pain I've brought you, I really do love you, and even though I'm not the only one who contributed to those two week I was the conductor of the bullshit and I wanna say I'm sorry, we're sorry, because you've loved me, you've held me as I cried, you done so many things that I wish I could've had earlier in life. You are a beautiful woman and I'm so sorry that my demons had to break your beautiful light like it did, I disappointed you, my sister, my kids, myself, and even my mother with the actions I did and I hate it everyday.", I said, now in tears.

"You scared me G, what was that look."

"That was the look of something that held all the hate I have and I promise you'll never see her again.", I said .

"I can't trust you, you literally put a gun to my head and threatened to take my life."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't okay I wasn't right, I was sick and guess what I'm better, I still have problems and I'm still crazy but I'm not with you and my kids."

"Why, we were doing so good and you had to give me a reason not to trust you.", she cried into my chest. She let me cry onto hers all too many time, now it was my turn.

I rubbed her back let her get all her screams and sobs out, here and there she would try to resist and get away but I wouldn't dare let her. She finally looked up at me with her red puffy eyes and for some reason I couldn't look away.

Something pulled me in and before I knew it my mouth was moving before my brain.

"I love you."

But instead of an "I love you too" I just got a stare. A blank face stare. My face dropped and my heart shattered.

"Nicki stop playing and say it back.", I said with a tear threatening to roll down my eye.

"One Nicki isn't here and two why the hell are you crying?", asked some random person. It didn't sound like my Nicki. It sounded a little deeper but still very feminine.

"Who are you, and where is my girlfriend?", I asked now very confused.



Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter, and the cliffhanger.

But I did this while going to skool so plz excuse any mistakes, I live in the delta of Mississippi so these roads ain't worth shit and this man drive like we riding on clouds.

I love y'all and


And I mean it COMMENT, I like y'all comments, it gives me feed back and something to laugh at.

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