Chapter 23

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(A/N: go follow treetree1012 on Snapchat so you can get info on updates. I'll make a private story just for Wattpad readers.)

Roman's POV

Later That Night

I woke up in pain and I honestly had no idea why. Last thing I remember we were talking to our sperm donor.

I got up and felt the tightness around my stomach. It felt familiar but I didn't know how. I ignored the constant pain and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the light and walked to the mirror.

I damn near screamed at the sight. I had on a sports bra with bandages around my ribs. That's why it felt familiar. I looked at my face to see the ugly bruises. My eye was swollen but I could tell it was going down.

Me: What the fuck happened?

Cookie: Tanya was hurt, she went to a bar and a man that opposed G hurt her bad.

Me: What did he do?

Cookie: He beat her and raped her.


This was bad, this would break our system to pieces. Most of the alters in our system are the traumatized, not ones made to help the traumatized.

I am a traumatized but people like Nicole are both. Nicole and I weren't easily triggered like Cookie, or Tanya.

Me: Cookie, how is everyone doing?

Cookie: It's bad Ro, Tanya is unresponsive, Rosa is silent, she hasn't said anything, Barbie was unharmed but she feels the bad energy in the headspace, Martha is of course trying to help.

Me: What about you and Nicole.

Cookie: You know I'll be fine, and Nicole, well she went back into the cell, she won't come out, she tried to fight him and protect Tanya but....

This is fucking ridiculous.

"Baby you're supposed to be sleep.", said their husky voice behind me.

I looked up to be met with Tina's dark brown eyes.

I should've guessed her to be here.

"They're hurting but I'm fine, I took the licks for years", I said.

It was true, I'm the OG around here. I took the licks, I was always here. If anyone was the traumatized one it was me. But I knew how to push through, and I never would unlearn it. This is nothing compared to what Robert used to do. Yeah it was unfamiliar.

But I'm like a solider. I'd never forget the skills learned in battle. No matter how long ago it was.

"I know but your body still needs the healing.", she said.

I sighed. I knew they just wanted to help, but I couldn't sleep knowing they weren't okay. It was my job to protect them and I didn't.

Rosa: Lemme take control.

I knew it was her because of her thick Caribbean accent.

Rosa was a grown up version of Barbie. So she had the Caribbean accent speaking that she was around during our short time in Trinidad.

Rosa's POV

It felt good to be out of there. It was kind of unordinary but with the help of some hard drink I would be fine.

Cookie: No liquor, we are on pain meds.

I sighed and limped out of the bathroom to my side of the bed. I opened the top draw and pulled out a pre rolled blunt. I grabbed a lighter lighting it and taking a painful pull from it.

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