Chapter 13

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Giselle's POV
Day 45 of 60 day Rehabilitation

I stood at 5 am looking out the window without a single composed thought in my mind. It's day 45 and in 15 I'll be out of this hell hole. Since the day Nicki walked out of my house I've been by myself honestly. Everyone except Robyn and Kelly stopped talking to me. I've been dodging Solange because I'm honestly too embarrassed to even look her in the eyes.

We promised that we'd protect her from him but we turned into him. Even though we didn't do the things he did, we were just as evil as him. I almost killed the love of my life because I was angry and too pussy to get help after the night of Michelle's death.

After Michelle's death and after Nicki talking me out of stealing my life I felt empty. I still didn't get revenge on the bastards who started this but that would soon come. I didn't get help, we didn't get help and it's mostly my fault.

Sasha: YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SORRY AND DO BETTER, we've done shit and we don't regret it but Nicki is our soulmate and you can't seem to get that wrapped around your head.

Tina: Sasha yelling at her will do no good, she's obviously somewhat affected by it, she literally admitted us into this place.

Sasha: Fine I'm sorry for yelling, but G you need to get your shit together. You're lucky if Nicki will take us back.

"I know she will because I'll show her that we've changed."

15 Days Later
Nicki's POV

"Mommy when can we see Mama again?", asked Blue as I braided her hair.

Beyoncé and I haven't talked for a little over 2 months. Rumor has it she admitted herself into a rehab program for the mentally challenged but I fail to believe that. Ever since that night I haven't even thought about talking to her. Well I have but I've quickly dismissed every time.

The look in her eyes that night was nothing nice or kind. I don't know if it was directed towards me but it triggered me. I no longer felt by myself. I no longer felt just love for Beyoncé. The moment reminded me of something but I don't know what exactly. It just gave me a familiar feeling. I still love Beyoncé dearly but I also have hatred towards her.

"Blue baby I'm not sure but hopefully soon.", I said while looking at Rumi playing on the floor. Like I told Beyoncé I took in the babies and have been caring for them since she left. The little 2 months with the girls has helped us build a better relationship.

"Ma-ma.", said Rumi while crawling towards me. I picked her up and looked at my phone just for her to put her face in my phone and give it a juicy kiss.

At first I was confused but once I saw the screen it all made since. It was a picture of Bey smiling on a date we went on one day. Even though Giselle really fucked me up that day I still miss her, I still miss them.

"I know Bug I miss her too.", I said.

"Mommy you're crying, are you okay?", said Blue. I felt under my eye and wiped the liquid away.

"I'm fine baby, just a little sad."

"Don't be sad, I miss Mama too.", she said before giving me a kiss. Of course Rumi followed right behind her.

"Thank you my babies, you two always find a way to make me smile.", I said making sure to return the kisses. A knock at the door interrupted our moment.

I was confused at first but it was probably Solange or Robyn coming to check on me and the kids. Lately they've been checking on me daily to make sure I'm okay with both the kids and mentally. I've tried to explain to them that everything is okay but they seem persistent on making sure I'm okay.

Megan and Normani have been down here since everything happened. They are keeping Beyoncé's house together because I couldn't stay there. I moved back in my condo and that's where the girls and I have been staying.

I opened the door and my eyes damn near bulged out my head.

"Hey NicNac.", she said while standing in front of me with an all pink rose.

"W-w-what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my kids and my girlfriend."

"Beyoncé I'm not you're girlfriend and you don't need to be around the kids in your state."

"What state, I went to rehab didn't anyone tell you?", she said with a raised eyebrow.

"I fail to believe that.", I said. She pulled out a coin and showed me it. It read the name of the place and had Beyoncé's name on the other side.

"There's no reason for me to lie to you Nicki.", I looked up from the coin and into her eyes.

"Where is she?", I asked.


"Giselle, where is she?", I asked.

"I a—."

"Sasha I love you to death but don't lie to me.", I said sternly.

"She is scared.", she said an inch above a whisper.

"Of what, I should be scared!"

"Once she finally checked us into rehab she realized what she did to you, she realized she was a coward and a pussy and she won't even show her face, she failed you, the girls, Solange, she failed our mother and that hurts her.", she said with her head down.

"Who was apart of it?", I asked.

"A part of what?", she asked.

"Y'all spent 2 weeks acting a damn fool and I fail to believe Giselle is the only one.", I said. There's no way that more of them weren't involved, all of them are mentally challenged.

"Me, Giselle, and Bey."

"Lemme guess you did most the drinking?", I asked. She nodded. I sighed, I was glad they were back. A part of me was happy as hell, but the other side was angry.

"I'll let you see the kids, but lemme make this clear to you all, if you get too crunk up in here I'll have a hot bullet burning through your ass, and let Giselle know that before she leave here I wanna talk to her PERSONALLY!" I said before opening the door wide enough to let her in.

Let Jesus be with us


Okay so this wasn't that long and I'm sorry for all the time jumps but it's a lot of ideas I have.

I know that the last few chapters have been kinda gruesome but it will get better I promise.

I love y'all and this chapter will get us to 3k reads.


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