Chapter 22

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Tanya's POV
3 hours later

I sat at the bar drinking my 3 glass of good old pink Whitney. I loved the lavish lifestyle but pink Whitney brought me back to my old days. When I was in high school and I would sneak out with friends.

I was at the only bar in the city that had pink Whitney and I planned on drinking at least 2 bottles. It was only 8 people in there including the bartender and I.

"Can I get 2 shots on whiskey.", said a low voice. I looked over to see a light skin man with short curly hair and tattoos.

"Do you always come here?", the voice asked. I looked over to see him looking at me.

I chuckled and went back to my drink.

"So I guess that's a no.", he laughed.

His advances were obvious, the least he could've did is cover it up.

"You don't talk much do you?", he asked.

I looked at him once again this time deciding to say something, "Nope."

"WORDS!", he said in a cheer like manner.

"Sir one, stop yelling, two STOP TALKING TO ME!", I said aggravated at his huge outburst.

His smile quickly dropped and his hand flew across my face knocking me out my chair.

I held my face tears threatening to drop.

Nicole: Don't you dare, we promised we'd never.

I tasted the iron in my mouth and spit out the blood on his shoe.

"Punk Bitch!", Nicole said with a grin.

"EVERYBODY OUT!", he yelled.

Everyone practically ran out of the bar. The man began to take off his button up shirt to show the dozens of tattoos.

"You sit there and talk to me like you are the baddest bitch, my dog is badder than you.", he said.

"Nah yo dog just a regular bitch like ya mammy.", I said.

He kicked me in the stomach making me cry out in pain. I definitely broke something because everytime I took a breath in it hurt like hell.

"WATCH YA FUCKING MOUTH BITCH!", he yelled. I laughed at his anger while mines built.

"You don't love your life, I can't wait till G—


"G done lost me a lot of money, so you gon make that shit back with your body.", he yelled kneeling down to me gripping my thigh.

Sasha's POV

I finally got my driver to bring me a car and I paid for him an Uber.

I was kill Tanya ass, she knew she could've waited for me. Then Megan big teeth ass gon laugh about that shit.

I got in the car and looked at my phone. I had Their location and it showed she was at a bar. She not only was at any bar but August's bar.

That nigga been tryna murk me for years because I killed his lieutenants. Them bitches wasn't leading shit, they was getting punked by my young niggas so they had no use.

I sped to the bar hoping he wasn't there and didn't notice Nicki because he would do some shit if he did.

Bey: call back up.

Me: Why, I can handle my own.


I heard the scream and I blacked her out. I knew that scream.

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