Chapter 34

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1 week later
Sasha's POV

I sat in my office looking over all my offshore accounts and tried to think of how $10 million was missing from my account. I shared it with Nicki and tried to reason with myself that she wouldn't do what I think she did.

Bey: she probably bought something that you really need.

Me: if she did she should've told me. She didn't have to go behind my bac—

"Hey bubba, umm I was wondering could you watch a movie with me?", she asked. I could tell from her eyes that it was Nicki.

Bey: don't be hosti—

"Did you steal from me?", I asked. She looked surprised at the question and so was I because I didn't expect to just blurt it out like that.

"I'd never steal from you.", she said.

"Where's my money Nic?", I asked her showing the bank account.

"I don't even have access to that account Sasha, what the fuck are you talking about?", she asked.


"No you watch your tone, I've been loyal to all you motherfuckers and you wanna accuse me of stealing, LOOK AT THE FUCKING ACCOUNT NAME, FUCKING DUMBASS!", she said pointing at the screen.

It was labeled BUSINESS.

"I'm so—

"Shut the fuck up talking to me yo.", she said in her thick New York accent.

Bey: Nice job fierce.

I sighed and threw my head back.

Beyoncé: Let me take over from here.

Beyoncé's POV

"Nicki.", I said walking into the room.

"Don't talk to me Sasha.", she said looking at the tv.

"It's me Baby.", I said making her look at me.

"Beyonce you should really get your people in order.", she said.

"Sasha sends her apologies, how are you do—

"I'm fine, what do you need?", she asked.

"Hey nic I understand she upset you but don't be ugly because of it."

"Aren't you one to talk about being ugly towards someone, fuck out of my face Beyoncé.", she said with an eye roll.

Bey: Just give her time Beyoncé.

Me: im gonna kill Sasha.

"I'm sorry, I'll give you space to cool down.", I sighed.

"No you're gonna come sit down and cuddle with me.", she said flicking through the channels.

"Babe I need to wo—

"Lay down with me and cuddle!", she said giving me the look.

I sighed and got out of my shoes and shirt.

"Pants too.", she said. She hated being in the bed with me and I had on too many clothes. I took off my pants and got in.

"Stop playing with me Beyoncé before you make me hurt you, unfortunately I can't leave you because I love you too much but I will hurt you.", she said putting me in a headlock. I knew she was gonna do this. Every since what happened anytime I hurt her feelings she gets violent with me. They all do.

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