Chapter 17

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Nicki's POV

Me: So you're telling me you just talked to her?

Tanya: Yes, what else could possibly happen.

Roman: Maybe you and her fucking , because everyone knows you two are rated x.

Tanya: I said we just talked, I asked her what those two bitches were doing here and she told me Sasha got drunk and she met them at the club.

Me: Mmhmmm, if I find out different we gon have some problems.

Lord knows she is lying, but I wanted to see if Yoncé would tell me.

The irony of me telling Beyoncé she had D.I.D and not knowing I did is honestly creepy. I always was too focused in my patients to ever evaluate myself, but I should've known.

Roman is probably one of my main alters speaking he is the other half of me others don't know or see. He's more outspoken and blunt about our thoughts. His relationship with Beyoncé is honestly weird but I know he has a dying crush on Bey.

Roman: Don't be telling these people my business.

Me: *rolls eyes* Whatever.

Like I was saying, he has a big ass crush on Bey and I honestly think it's because of her dominate but calm nature.

Roman: Look here, the reason I love Bey more than any of them is because I always have to stay on my toes with her, I don't know when she might fuck me up or not but whenever she does I'll go to sleep with a smile.

Tanya on the other hand loves her some Yoncé when she's feeling like Daddy, and when she wants to be "slut out" she gets on Giselle's nerves which I explain to her isn't okay.

Tanya: I like being in fear of my life.

Rosa honestly is just a laid back person with a couple crazy tendencies. She and Sasha would vibe great together, they both are alcoholics. She hasn't expressed her likings for anyone yet, she says she doesn't like any of them but I see the way she looks at them.

Rosa: You know if I could, I would chop you in half.

Nicole is an alter they haven't met and honestly I pray they don't. Nicole is like the equivalent of Giselle except she hasn't been out for a long time. She locked in what is like a mental prison.

When we were younger and our dad would make us do those things after a while Nicole was developed. One day it was one thought which at the time I didn't know it was her but she said "Kill him, and don't stop till he feels your pain". At the time I was confused I didn't know where it came from but I quickly blocked the thoughts away.

The thing is when she said that it wasn't just a such thing as I heard it, it was like I was actually going to do it. Her voice basically controlled my hands but once I blocked it off I would only hear her.

As the years went on, the more bad shit that happened, the more she became angry and cold. Whereas when Beyoncé came she was standoffish, she of course gave her opinion on her, but speaking of her circumstances, that all she could do.

She slowly fell for Beyoncé and after everything that happened she has taken all of the feeling she had towards her away. It honestly hurt her more than anyone because she couldn't wait to actually get to meet them, but they fucked it up.

Roman: Nic I think we could let her out.

Me: Roman I've heard a lot of crazy shit from you but this here makes me wanna throat chop you.

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