Chapter 12

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Nicki's POV
3 week later

I sat on the floor holding Rumi and playing with Blue as she played with her blocks. It was 7 so Beyoncé should be back home soon. I hoped that it wouldn't be like the last time when she came home drunk and yelled at Blue for trying to get a kiss. That was last week and since then she's been sleeping on the couch but she still comes home drunk here and there.

I heard the door open and keys jingling. Blue tensed up once she noticed it was her mother. "It's gonna be okay Muffin.", I said.

Beyoncé came into our line of sight and she was drunk but this time it was worse. "Aren't they supposed to be in bed?", she slurred. I could smell the liquor on her breath and she wasn't even 3 feet in front of me.

"Beyoncé go take a cold shower and put some food in your stomach.", I said without even looking at her. I pulled out my phone and texted Robyn to come get the kids because I knew that it wasn't gonna be good if they stayed. She lived right down the road so it wouldn't take her long.

"DID YOU HEAR WHAT I FUCKING SAID?!", she yelled causing Blue to jump and begin crying.

"Blue don't you start that shit tonight.", she said.

"AYE GO TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER AND EAT SOME DAMN FOOD!", I yelled to get her attention.

"Who are you talking to Onika?", she asked raising her hand but before she could complete her action Robyn burst through the door.


"Robyn mind your fucking business.", she said.

"So this is what we are, you was gonna hit her weren't you?", she asked.

"Mind your business."

"You went through 13 years of abuse, physically and sexually, and you think it's okay to put your hands on people, let alone the motherfucker who actually deals with your ass, we all lost Michelle and all of us want her back, but she ain't coming back, and if she was here she would be beating the fuck out of you, don't be like Matthew, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER GISELLE OR YOU'RE GONNA BE FUCKING LONELY!", she said. Beyoncé just sat there looking at her before turning around and going upstairs.

"Come on girls, you're gonna come to my house for a couple days, Nicki somebody will be here in a couple minutes.", said Robyn before going out the door with the girls.

I sighed and head upstairs to hear the shower running and Beyoncé's swears. She was angry but that had nothing to do with me, Robyn said nothing but the truth. I love Beyoncé to death but she is getting out of hand.

"When am I going to be allowed to sleep in my bed?", she asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked in her eyes and saw irritation and annoyance.

"When you get your act together."

"Man fuck that, I'm getting in my fucking bed and if you don't like it  LEAVE!", she said while pointing towards the door.

"Beyoncé you talking out the side of your fucking neck, if I was to leave yo ass right now you wouldn't be able to think right."

"No I actually would, I was fine before you and I'll be fine after you."

"You what fine, I'm out and I want you to have this same fucking energy when you want me back because I ain't did shit but love yo crazy ass.", before I could say anything else she pushed me against the wall and pushed me up it by my neck.

"IF YOU EVER IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE CALL ME CRAZY AGAIN I'LL DROP YO PUNK ASS!", she gritted through her teeth. I couldn't breathe and I was starting to panic but I needed to save as much oxygen possible because I didn't know if she would let me go.

It took about a second to calm down and once I controlled my breathing I smiled at her with tears in my eyes. I wasn't gonna let her intimidate me because I knew she would just tighten her grip.

She punched the wall centimeters from my face before dropping me to the ground. The rush of oxygen gave me an immediate headache. I wiped the blood from my nose and laughed.

"So this is what we doing now?", I asked while struggling to get up.

"Onika stop talking to me.", she said. I wiped the tears from my eyes and went to the closet to began packing.

Once I was done I wheeled the suitcase out the closet and grabbed my personal belongings from the bathroom. I grabbed my charger from the nightstand.

"I'm taking the girls till you go to get some help.", I said while walking towards the door.

"Onika you are stupid if you think you are taking my kids.", she said calmly.

"Then I'll be stupid because Rumi is terrified of you and Blue thinks you hate her, YOU NEED HELP AND TILL YOU GET IT YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED NEAR THEM!", I said.

"Nicki don't make me kill you."

"Beyoncé you wouldn't dare." The barrel that I looked down told me different.

She in 2 seconds had a magnum barrel in between my eyes. She cocked it back and I could see the chamber go from empty to loaded.

"Bumble?", asked a voice from the door. It sounded like the person was crying. Her eyes softened while looking at the person behind me but hardened when looking back at me.

"Solange what are you doing here?", she asked while still giving me a death stare.

"Rihanna called me here, why are you acting like this?", she asked.

"Like what Solo?"

"Like Daddy, you've never been like this, especially not with Nicki, you're scaring the girls, you remember how much fear we would have when the stairs would creek when Daddy was coming up, they have that same fear when that front door opens.", Solange said.

"I'm not Solo I'll never be like him.", she said.

"Yes you're turning into him, I can smell the liquor on your breath from here." She dropped the gun from her hand and ran to the mirror. She touched her face like she saw something else. She screamed and punched the mirror making me jump and tears rolled down my eyes.

Their anger didn't faze me but there pain did. It brought me pain because I hated seeing them like that, but this time I couldn't help them. Every time I did I would just get pulled back in and from their actions I might end up dead.

"Goodbye Beyoncé."


Whew chile that was a lot. This chapter isn't that long but it's something speaking that I haven't published in a while. Band camp just ended and skool just started. So I won't be able to publish as frequently but I'll try my best

I love you guys 💕


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