Chapter 32

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Giselle's POV

"Baby where are we going?", Nicki asked.

"Sit back and ride.", I said looking at my work phone. Rihanna had sent me the location and I was pushing 70 down the streets of Moscow.

"Bubba are you okay?", asked  Nicki.

"Yeah love, just gotta handle something real quick then I'll be okay.", I said as I pulled up to the location.

I got out of the car and walked over to open the door for Nicki. Once she was out I closed the door behind her and took her hand.

I led her into the building. It looked abandoned, but once I stepped in it showed a hideout.

"Rih!", I yelled.

"BACK HERE!", she yelled.

I followed her voice and came back to see her stitching Kelly up who was drinking whiskey. She had a blood soaked shirt which was cut open to show her rib area.

"What happened?, I asked.

"I went to set up a meeting with him and his men got hostile and shot at me grazing my side.", she said taking another gulp from the bottle.

"Where did you try to meet him?", I asked.

"A parking lot, this was supposed to be a quick meeting to tell him that we didn't come on bullshit but he didn't wanna hear it.", Kelly said.

"DAMNIT KELLY, we were supposed to stay low for at least 3 more days.", I said.

"Look after the airport they showed that they thought we were coming to start something, we had to clear the air or we weren't gonna be able to move a muscle.", said Kelly .

"What's the plan G?", she asked.

"Well we aren't gonna be able to bring anyone over to help, so we gotta do this the old fashion way.", I said.

"You need to find out what's there intent if they were to see any of you, would they shoot to kill or to intimidate.", said Nicki.

"You sure you want her involved in this?", asked Rih.

"Im pretty sure speaking that they just grazed Kelly they just wanna make a statement, you either can try another meeting or you can get to the dirty work and start dropping motherfuckers.", said Nicki.

I looked in shock as she had a plan thought up before I could even think of anything.

Bey: Babygirl's a real gangsta chick!

"She's right, so question is what are you tryna do?", asked Rihanna.

"Call Dana, she should know about their family or where they live , as soon as you find out you and Kelly get to killing, leave Ivan and his family to me.", I said picking up the bottle of liquor.

"Make sure you do it quick because we are like little fishy in Russia, the states are our stomping grounds, we need to get back.", said Nicki.

They both nodded before leaving out. I took the bottle and sat by Nicki on the couch.

"So when you start thugging like that?", I asked handing her the bottle.

"I'm not thugging love, just being smart.", she said before taking a gulp.

"So you don't think we should stay long?", I asked.

"G think of it like this, Ivan and his crew are like great white sharks, we are fucking sardines in Russia, now back home we are the great white sharks, BUT WE AREN'T HOME!", she said.

I chuckled at her way of explaining it. She always was smart. Whether it be in a gangsta manner or a educational manner.

"Giselle stop staring at me.", she said as her cheek reddened.

My lips locked with hers in no time and her grip on the bottle loosened.

"Aht aht, we will not have sex while Rih and Kelly are out there, let's get to work.", she said getting up. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

For her to never have been in the business, she sure does know too much.

7 Hours Later
Tanya's POV

Rihanna called us like 5 minutes ago to tell us they had handled everything. Sasha told them to meet her at Ivan's ranch and be geared up. I honestly was just riding with.

"Is he here Bubba?", I asked.

"Nope, but his family is.", she said tightening her bulletproof vest.

"So what do I need to do?", I asked. Before she could answer Rihanna and Kelly pulled up behind us in a blacked out truck.

"What you're gonna do is, when I get out this car you're gonna get in the front seat, and drive off.", she said. I looked at her like she was crazy because she was.

"I'm not leaving you here. ", I said.

"Yes you are, it's too dang—

"I don't give a damn, so let's get in that truck and get this over with.", i said.

"T this isn't a fucking game, you're not ready for this.", she said.

I looked at her for a while before nodding.

"You right." I said.

"Okay the—

Nicole's POV

"Tanya left didn't see?", she asked.

I nodded before pulling a 9 mm from the glove compartment and checking the clip.

"You're not going either Nicole.", she said as I grabbed another 9mm and put it in my waistband.

One thing about me is, I'm not gonna argue. I'll show you better than I can tell you.

I got out the car and closed the door leaving Sasha in the car. I got in the back seat of the truck and Rihanna and Kelly looked at me in shock.

I looked in the trunk to see a bulletproof vest. I grabbed it and began putting it on. In the middle of me doing so, Sasha got into the backseat with me.

"Ummm Sasha you sure you wanna bring her?", asked Kelly.

"I have no other choice.", Sasha replied.

"Well then, speaking that it's a Sunday all the family is in the house, the kids and all, there are 5 guards on the outside perimeter and of course the inside is unknown, but Dana gave me info that we'll have well needed backup.", said Rihanna.

"So look when we pull up to this gate, I want you to take this gun and shoot the guards inside.", said Sasha handing me the gun.

"No problem.", I said taking the suppressed weapon.

"After those guards y'all are  gonna have to bail out on the car and spilt up, get as many guards as you can, the family is gonna be forced to come to the front of the gate where I'll get them if they're not already dead.", said Kelly.

"Okay then, let's roll out.", said Sasha.

A part of me wanted little to do with the situation, but I ignored it fully. I was gonna ride beside my boo death or not. She bought out the worst and best in me.

For better or for worst they say?


Well I'm back to updating this book. Imma tell y'all like I told Triangular affection, y'all have 8 -13 more chapters.

Y'all will get 8 more if I plan on making a sequel, which I probably will.

But if I don't make a sequel y'all will get 13 more chapters.

It will be determined in the next 2 chapters


I love y'all 🦋


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