Chapter 31

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Sasha's POV

I woke up and the sun was beaming on my face. We were moving, like we were in a car.

"Hey baby.", she said kissing my temple. I groaned not being able to speak because of the sun.

"We're on the way to the airport.", she said.

My eyes immediately shot open.

"NO, we have to p—

"I did it.", she said.

"The guns?"


"Clothes?", I asked.

"Bubba I did all that now calm down.", she said.

I sighed before slumping back down.

"Be careful, your wound is bandaged and it needs to stay that way.", she said.

I sighed again totally forgetting about the wound. I looked over and Rosa sat quietly looking at me.

"How long have you been here?", I asked.

"Once Nicki packed I wrapped your arm again and got the driver to bring the stuff out.", she said.

"Thanks.", I mumbled pulling out my phone.

"Rihanna and Kelly are already there.", she said.

"Megan?", I asked.

"She's staying with Mani.", she said.

"She nee—

"No, she's staying baby because they just found out Normani is finally pregnant.", she said.

My eyes widened at the thought of Normani bringing a baby into this world.

"Oh my god, that bab—

"Just go back to sleep Sasha.", she said.

"No I'm happy for them, but I'm also worried, this business is dangerous.", I said.

"I'm sure they already know that baby.", she said.

"Rosa you know how hard it was to keep Blue and Rumi safe from this bullshit ass world, I don't kn—

My sentence was stopped by her lips on mines and her tongue soon slipped into my mouth.

I pulled away and she sat back with a smirk leaving me stunned.

"Ms. Maraj we have arrived.", said Sam.

"Come on Love, time to roll.", she said stepping out the car. I stepped out taking on the sunlight. It took a while for my eyes to adjust and the headache I had wasn't even funny. I felt a hand grab mines and I felt the acrylic nail knowing it to be Nicki's.

She led me to the jet and once I was on the headache finally stopped thumping like crazy.

"Baby go to your office and I'll come with some medicine.", she said heading towards the bar.

"Thank you love.", I said placing a kiss on her cheek. Just as I walked away she grabbed my arm pulling my body back into hers.

"You're not too sick to give me an actual kiss.", She said before connecting her lips to mine. The kiss was more passionate then towards the end it got real sexual.

"I told you about sucking my tongue.", I said.

"Oh hush you'll be fine.", she said stroking under my chin. I shook my head before turning and heading up to my office.

This jet I had for a long time and I don't how they knew their way around but I wasn't gonna question it.

I picked up the phone and dialed Kelly's number and she answered on the 2nd ring.

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