Chapter 2

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Sasha's POV

When it came down to our existence the only people who knew was Rihanna and my younger sister Solange so Rihanna wasn't new to this but we hadn't talked in a while.

"So Sasha, who let Giselle bring this bitch here?", asked Rihanna while sipping on a cup of whiskey.

"Giselle saw her getting raped and you know her."

"Okay I can understand that but you can't just let people in my house like this."

"I know we're gonna have to keep her though, she knows us.", I said.

"Wait, all of you?", she asked.

"Yeah, she met all of us, so she knows too fucking much.", I said.

"Kill her.", Rihanna said plain and simple.

"No, we promised.", I said.

"Dumb bitches.", she mumbled.

Before I could respond Nicki's scream filled the house. I didn't even get up because before I knew it she was running down laughing and shouting,  "I'M GONNA KILL HIM!"

Rihanna looked at me confused and then back at the crazed Nicki.

"Ma'am stop yelling in my house.", she said with a slight attitude.

"Gimme your gun.", she said while standing over me with an open hand.

I looked at her stupid and then at a smirking Rihanna. "No.", I said straight forward.

"Rihanna, can I get a gun?", she asked with a smile.

"Yeah go look in that closet over there.", she said.

Nicki smiled and ran to the closet looking through the guns for the perfect one.

"Really Rih, what the fuck.", I yelled.

"Oh shut up, lil mama a full gangsta.", said Rih while she watched Nicki pull out an uzi. I got up and walked over to Nicki grabbing the gun and slinging her on the couch.


"Aye lower your fucking tone.", she said in a thick New York accent. She was now on her feet and in my face.

"Awww shit Sasha you got a bitch who is just as crazy as you."

"Nicki what the fuck is wrong with my nigga, you was just begging for your life.", I said.

"Yeah and after you fried my brain I stopped giving a shit about my life, I embraced the real me, and the real me ain't scared of no BITCH!", she said while stabbing my chest with her acrylic nail.

"Sasha, you're really getting your ass handed to you.", laughed Rihanna.


"Beyoncé imma tell you one more fucking time, LOWER YOUR FUCKING TONE YO!"

I was fed up with all this talking shit I grabbed her by the neck and looked into her eyes.

"Keep talking to me like you crazy imma fuck you up.", I said in a low husky voice.

"Do it then Zaddy.", she purred.

"Well this shit is interesting.", said Rihanna.

"Rih leave, we need to handle sum business. ", I said. Rih looked at me and saw I was serious. She left the living room, closing the double doors behind her.

Nicki was still holding eye contact and she was determined to keep it.

"I like this new you.", I said with a smirk.

"There isn't anything new, this is just me that was covered.", she said. I leaned down and was inches from her lips. She licked my lips and pulled back before sitting on the couch.

"You're mine.", she said.

"Nah, you gotta go.", I said. I couldn't have her fallen for my broken ass.

"Why, you're fun and I wanna get to know y'all.", she said.

"No, leave.", I said.


"I SAID LEAVE!", I yelled. I didn't want her here. She was gonna be a distraction and I probably couldn't even trust her.

I was getting a headache and everybody was talking loudly at the same time.

Nicki straddled my lap as I sat on the couch panicking and damn near hyperventilating. My trust issues were bad and the thought of trusting someone always made me see him on top of me. I trusted him and he used me and violated me.

"Sasha Baby you need to breathe, you're okay I'm right here.", she said while holding both sides of my face.

"Leave Nicki, you see I'm broken and can't even trust.", I said.

"Aye, you can trust me and I have no problem working with you through your problems, matter fact gimme your gun.", she said.


She scoffed and got my gun off the table. She took 4 bullets out, leaving just 2. She made sure they were aligned and spun the barrel before closing it. She handed it to me and made me point it at her head.

"Ask me two questions.", she said. I looked at her confused at first but then knew where this was going.

"Would you die for me?", I asked.

She said yes and I pulled the trigger. The click sound allowed me to release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You seem more nervous than me.", she laughed.

"Would you live for me?"I asked,mn
ignoring her statement.

"Yes.", she said and I pulled the trigger again and there was another click. She took the gun out of my hand and laid it on the table before jumping on me.

She cupped my face and pressed her lips against mine. We fought for dominance and she won. I had kissed a lot of females but this one made me feel different. She eventually pulled away and stared into my eyes before saying, "Now would you like to come with me to kill a no good nigga?"

"Get the gun.", I said with a smile. She happily hopped down and grabbed the gun.



This chapter isn't that long but it's something.

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