Chapter 27

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Rosa's POV
6 Hours Later

I stood in the kitchen wiping down the counters and cleaning up. It was 3 am but I couldn't sleep.

I left Beyoncé in the room because I didn't wanna wake her up. She almost killed Tanya for the shit she was pulling at the grocery store earlier so I knew she had to be tired.

Tanya: oh that woman is fine, she know she loves when I'm possessive.

Me: I really worry for you.

Roman: so when were y'all gonna tell me about the wonderful experience with Bey?

Me: Hell I didn't care, and Tanya's the one you need to talk to.

Tanya: I didn't know years of confinement made you a snitch.

Me: Ehh whatever y'all just keep it down.

I went back to cleaning the counters before I heard a bang at the door. My eyes immediately shot to the pistol on the coffee table.

I ran to it and snatched it up before running upstairs to the security room.

I looked at the cameras and noticed the camera by the front door was shut off.

"Fuck!", I said running to the master bedroom.

"BUBBA GET UP!", I yelled.

The bed was still.

"BUBBA!", I yelled again throwing back the sheets. She laid there knocked out.

I didn't even hesitate getting in and cuddling under her. My heart was racing, when I cuddled under her I felt a warm liquid. I looked at my hand and screamed from the amount of blood on it.

I looked at Bey to see her dead eyes staring at me making me scream.

"NICKI!", yelled a voice shaking me violently. I opened my eyes to see Tina staring down at me.

It was a dream, it was all a dream.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed it was daylight outside.

"You are a sweaty mess.", she said.

I looked at my clothes to see them drenched.

"Y-yo-you were dead.", I said.

"Baby you had a nightmare, come on.", she said beginning to take my shirt off.

"Lay with me.", I said.

She looked at me in the eyes before sighing.

"We can lay in the tub, but you're sweaty and I know you're uncomfortable.", she said.

I reluctantly got up and went to the bathroom. She had already started running bath water and I was close to going back to sleep.

"Come on Boo let's get these clothes off you.", she said taking off my bra and my pants and underwear.

Once she got me undressed she got undressed and took my hand.

"Who'll be the big spoon this go round?", she asked.

"Me.", I said getting in before she could protest.

"Hey I ain't got no problem laying on the fluffy fluster twins.", she said getting in once I was sitting down.

"You're weird T.", I said as she got comfortable.

I really was reluctant to get in with her but I just wanted to be under her so bad. After our last cuddle season I was feining for the feeling again.

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