Chapter 7

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Next Morning
Nicki's POV


I didn't know what time it was but it was too damn early for all the yelling. I didn't know who was doing it but I was 5 seconds from slapping the hell out of them. I knew Giselle didn't watch cartoon and even if she did she didn't sound like that. This person sounded like they were 4, I should've known.

"IV why are you up so early?", I asked with my face still in the pillow. The bed stopped moving like before and the only sound in the room was the tv. I turned my head towards her and she was looking at me like I was a ghost.

"I-I'm sowwy." she said. Her honey brown eyes weren't like the others. They were kind and soft, the others only got this soft when they were sad. In her hand she held a tray of cookies and I could tell she had eaten some because of the crumbs around her mouth.

"What time is it?", I asked. She shrugged. "That's okay but how did you get the cookies?"

"B-Bey.", she said. I got up and leaned against the head board. I looked at my phone to see it was 11:53. As I put my phone down I could hear whimpers and once I looked over to see IV damn near in tears with her head under the cover.

"IV what's wrong Babygirl?", she didn't respond.

"IV come here.", I said a little more sternly. Her head slowly peaked out of the comforter. I held my hands out for her to come cuddle with me. She was hesitant but she soon gave in.

"Do you know who I am IV?", I asked.

"Yea, you're the pwetty lady, that everyone is talking about.", she said with a smirk.

"Oh so everyone is talking about me, what do they say?", I asked.

"Well Aunt Giselle says that you're really pwetty, and Aunt Yoncé said some "adult" things that I couldn't hear.", she giggled. I should've know Yoncé would say some bullshit like that.

"Well what do you think about me?, I asked.

"I think you're very comfortable to cuddle with.", she laughed.

"Wow so you just use me as a teddy bear?", I asked while starting to tickle her side. Seeing her as she laughed and rolled around the bed made my heart melt. After a while I finally stopped and an uneasy look came upon her face before she raced to the bathroom.

I soon heard vomiting and light curses which indicated that IV left. About 2 minutes later she stepped out of the bathroom looking rough. The dark brown eyes helped me understand that it was Tina and she didn't look happy at all. 

"So you just let her eat the damn cookies?", she asked while standing in the doorway of the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. A couple seconds into my laugh a pillow was thrown at my head making my hair go everywhere. I opened my eyes to see her on the other side of the bed with her arms crossed.

"Oh so that's what we're doing with our life, okay bet.", I said before lunging a pillow at her. It almost hit her but she swayed left.

I threw another one and it hit her right in the head and before she could even think I threw another one. I was now out of pillows and I knew my only choice was to run. I slipped out of bed and ran for the door.

"TANYA DON'T RUN FROM ME!", I heard her yell. That gave me more adrenaline. I ran down the long hallway and quickly went into a room on the left. It looked like a babies room. I was guessing it was her youngest girl's room. It was honestly beautiful, I could help but look at the pictures of all of them with the babygirl. It looked like Giselle had the biggest relationship with the baby.

"I think I need to start locking doors around here.", Tina said startling me. I jumped and turned around to see her leaned against the doorframe.

"I'm sorry, this is the first room I stepped in and I couldn't help but look around.", I said.

"You're good, we planned on telling you more about our kids anyways, you deserve to know.", she said picking up a picture. "This is Rumi, she was named after one of my favorite poets, we made this room for her because we planned on her coming home but it didn't happen like we expected.", she said.

"She beautiful just like her mother, how old is she?", I asked.

"7 months, her and her brother's birthday are next month on June 13.", she said.

"The little boy you went to go see is her twin, I'm so sorry.", I said.

"Don't be, things happen for a reason, I know he's with my mama watching over us.", she said.

"Of course he is, but we have to get your girls back her for Rumi's birthday.", I said.

"I don't feel safe having my girls here speaking of the life I live.", she said.

"T you can't neglect those girls, they need their mother and now is the time to get them, how old is your oldest?", I asked.

"Blue is 3."

"Okay so Blue is old enough to go to daycare, we can hire a babysitter to watch Rumi when I'm busy, but you will not neglect those kids, and take this from a girl who was neglected by their mother.", I said.

"Come on Nicki you can't just compare me to your mother, I would never let my girls get treated that way.", she said.


"Okay there's no need to yell, I'll call Michelle and tell her I plan on picking up the girls.", she said.

"Thank you, now let's get freshen up so I can make us some breakfast.", I said as I walked out the door.

"Why can't I cook breakfast?", she asked while pouting.

"Tina, y'all can't cook for shit and I refuse to die from salmonella.", I said before running down the hallway knowing she'd chase after me. They never did like when I joked about their cooking skills, but after a while I'd teach them a little sum sum.


This was just a filler because I know I won't be able to update for a while speaking that I feel like my ears are about to fall off.  But I love y'all.


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