Chapter Thirty Four

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Mya's POV

I felt soon Justin behind me, he slowly wrapped his arms around my torso and nuzzled his head into my neck. He lightly pecked just below my ear. "What do you wanna do until your room mate gets here?" He asked softly as he gently moves my hair from off my neck as he trailed kissed from my shoulder all the way up to my ear. I smile.

"Well we can watch movies? And maybe even cuddle?" I ask as I slowly turn around to face him. He gently grabs a hold of my arms and drapes them around his neck before he wraps his arms around my waist. "Is that want you want to do Mya?" He asks as he lays his forehead against mine. I smile and nod my head yes. He smiles back and quickly pecks my lips.

"Alright then that's what we shall do!" And with that he let's go of my waist and grabs my hand and pulls me into the living room part of the suite. "Why don't you sit down and pick a movie?' He says as he gently leads me to the couch. I nod and grab the remote. Justin turns and starts to head towards the bed room. "Where are you going Jay? It takes two people to cuddle?" I say as I chuckle and look up at him. He smiles.

"I just gotta make a quick phone call. I'll be right back I promise." He says as he makes his way back over to me and kisses my forehead before turning on his heal and heads into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Okay well let's see what movies are on demand. I turn the TV on and begin my search. As I'm looking I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I quickly pull it out to see a text from Ava.


Just landed. Haven't seen Mom or dad yet. Preparing for the worst haha well I love you and I hope you are having an amazing time so far (: text me when you have time!!

I smile down at my phone. A pang of guilt hits me and my smile soon fades. I feel so bad making Ava have to deal with dad alone. He has such a bad temper. I should have went with her. But then again there really was no need for all of us to go to Ohio. For one my Aunt Jody doesn't have the room for her, her two daughters, mom and dad, plus me and Ava. There is no way we would have all fit in one house.

And to be honest, it was kind of rude for her to ask us to drop everything to fly down there. Yes I understand she's sick but after everything that's happened between my dad and her it just wasn't right. I frown remembering everything that's happened. I was brought back to reality when I heard Justin speak.

"Baby you okay?" I hear Justin ask as he sits down beside me on the couch. I look up at him. "Baby what's wrong?" He ask as he scoots closer to me tilting my head up so he can look me in the eyes. I take a deep breath, "I just feel bad making Ava have to deal with my dad all alone." I say as I look down at my lap.

"Mya please don't worry yourself sick about it. Yes your dad will be furious but Ava said it will be okay. That her and your mom will handle your Dad. Yes at first he will be very pissed but give him a little bit of time and I'm sure he will calm down and see that what you guys did will be no big of a deal." Justin says as he pulls me into his arms.

I sigh and close my eyes and wrap my arms around his belly. He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. "Its just not far. After everything that's happened between them, she just calls out of the blue and expects us to drop everything and run to her every need." I say getting a little upset.

"What happened between them anyways?" Justin asked as he soothingly rubbed circles on my back.

"Well before we moved to Canada my mom got really sick. She would always just lay in bed and not eat anything and then suddenly out of no where she just started throwing up at random times. At first my dad thought she might have been pregnant but all the test came back negative. Finally my Aunt Jody had talked my mom into going to the hospital. And that's when we found out my mom had cancer." I say as a few tears threaten to come out.

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