Chapter Thirty

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Third person

"Okay, yes sir. I know, I know. I will stay on track. I won't lose focus and I'll work extra hard." Justin says thru the phone. The whole house is quiet as Justin listens to the other person on the phone. A big smile spreads across his face and he nods his head as if they can see him. "Don't worry about telling Scooter. I can handle him." Justin says as he starts off for the kitchen.

The other person has said something that had made Justin frown. "Wait, what? No please let it be most of it. I promise I'll stay on track." Justin begs. A smile soon reappears on his face, "Thank you soooo much! I wont let you guys down!" Justin says before hanging up the phone.

Justin is now standing in the kitchen.

Justin's pov

"So what did they say?" My mom asked as she closed the refrigerator door. I smiled and began to jump up and down. "They said yes!!"  I said as all the excitement started to show. My mother smiled big and came over to hug me. "Well I guess you should ask you know who now." My mom said as she slowly let me go.

"I know, but what if they say no." I said as I sat down in a stool by the island. "Well all you can do is ask." She said as she lightly kissed my temple before walking upstairs. I decided that now would be the best time to go ask Mya's parents if she can go with me on the North America leg of the tour.

I got up and made my way towards the door. I was about to turn the door knob when all of a sudden there was a knock. I furrowed my eyebrows as I slowly opened the door. My jaw clenched at who was standing there. "Um hey Justin." Scooter said as he folded his hands into his pants pockets.

"Hello Scooter." I said as a little annoyance shown in my voice. "Do you mind if I come in?" He asked. I took a step outside, "I'm actually on my way out. I going to go ask Mya's parents if she can come on tour with me." I said as I walked passed him and down the front steps towards my car.

"Wait, what?! Your asking her to go on tour with you?" Scooter said as he chased after me. I just kept walking. "Yes." I said as I unlocked my car and got in. "Management won't allow it." He said as he grabbed the door so I couldn't shut it. I chuckled, "Management already said yes." I said as I grab my door and shut it. Scooter took a step back with a shocked look upon his face as I started my car and backed out of the drive way.

Skip car ride

I pull into Mya's drive way and climb out of the car and make my way up to their front door. I knock on the door twice before taking a couple steps back. Mrs. Clark opens the door with a smile. "Hello Justin. Mya didn't say you guys had plans today. Her and Ava left to go get some frozen yogurt." She said as she motions for me to come in.

"Actually we don't have plans. I was hoping I could talk to you and Mr. Clark about something." I said. "Well of course. I hope its nothing serious." She asked with a worried look on her face. "Oh no. Nothing too serious." I said as I followed her into the kitchen where Mr. Clark was sitting reading today's newspaper. "Honey Justin's here. He wants to talk to us about something." Mrs. Clark said as she sat down beside him at the kitchen table. "Okay well come on in son and take a seat." Mr. Clark said.

I did as I was told and sat down.  I took a deep breath. "You guys have probably thought that me and Mya have been moving really fast. But I want you guys to know that I care a lot about your daughter. She makes me happy. And I don't see my future without her. You guys are probably wondering why I came here today. All I ask is for you guys to listen before making your decision?" I ask as I look up at them. They both nod.

I continue, "If you guys don't know I only had a two week break and it ends on Saturday. I will be leaving on that day to restart my tour for another six months. Its the North America leg of the tour. There will be body guards for everywhere I go and there will be security guards at the concerts. Your probably thinking why am I telling you this.  The reason is because I very much would like Mya to join me. I want you guys to know that if you allow her too she will be very safe. I won't let any harm come her way." I say a little bit nervously.

They are quiet for a few moments. Finally Mrs. Clark speaks up, "You said there will be body guards that will go every where you go?" I nod my head yes. "Will there be adults going as well or just you?" Mr. Clark asked. "My mother and my manager Scooter will be joining. Also there is my whole team which are all made up of adults. So yes." I replied.

Silence filled the air again. "You said six months? That's along time to be gone. Especially since school will be starting in about 3 or four months." Mrs. Clark said.

"Well I have everything set up. Management will be flying her with me and when ever you want her home I'll fly her back. I have permission for her to stay the whole leg of the tour. We will be able to fly her back when ever you want." I explain.

"Justin if you don't mind me asking, why is it that you want her to go with you? I mean you guys have only known each other for what? Two weeks?" Mr. Clark asked.

"In all do respect Mr. Clark I care about your daughter so much. Yes we may have only know each other for two weeks but that doesn't lessen my affection for her. She means a lot to me sir. She makes me happy and she makes me want to be a better person. With out her I would be lost. Now your probably asking your self how could you daughter make me feel that way in just a two week period, but my feelings for her are very real. I want her happy. I want to see her smile and hear her laugh. All I ever heard since I met your daughter was that we moved to fast but in all honesty sir she is my everything.  I'm not in this for the publicity or anything other then for her. She is what I want. She is want I need. And sir I'm in love with your daughter.  And I won't be able to stand not seeing her for six months while I'm away. I don't know what it is but something about Mya makes me want to be with her every day. She makes me want to protect her and be able to call her mine. I don't know how else to explain to you my feelings towards your daughter,  but please know when I say this that my feelings for your daughter are real." I say laying my whole heart out on the table.

Mrs. Clark is smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Now Justin I'm not going to lie to you. When you first came to ask my daughter out I was was curious as to why you were interested in my daughter. You were some big pop star wanting to date my daughter. My thoughts on you weren't clear, but now with you sitting here telling me or trying to explain to me why you want my daughter makes it all clear. You do truly care for her. I can see it in your eyes and the way you talk about her. And its not just with you but also with Mya. She's changed. She seems more happier. And its because of you. So thank you. And yes you have our permission to take Mya on tour with you with a couple conditions." He said as he looked at me.

I can't believe what I just heard. He said yes. I didn't realize they were waiting on me to answer.  "Yes of course?" I replied. "First, you keep her safe at all times. If she comes home with just a little scratch it won't be pretty." He said sternly. "I know I won't let anything harm her. I promise." I said as I nodded my head.

"Second, her sister Ava. She must go with her. Its not that I don't trust you nor your security guards and team its just more of a reassurance thing knowing that someone we know is with her." He said. "Okay I understand sir." I said as I listen carefully. "Alright, you said your leaving Saturday?" Mrs. Clark asked. I nodded, "Yes Saturday after noon."

"Okay well we will have the girls ready and packed." Mr. Clark said. "Thank you so much Mr. And Mrs. Clark. You don't understand how happy this makes me feel.  I promise you I will take good care of your daughters." I said as I stood up and shake their hands. "No problem Justin. Thank you for asking us." Mrs. Clark said as they walked me to the front door. I waved goodbye as I climbed into my car and backed out of their drive way. I cant believe they said yes. This is going to be the best tour ever!

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