Chapter Ten

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Mya's P.O.V.

I climbed into the car and buckled up as Justin gently shut my door and walked around the front of the car and climbed in also. He started the car and slowly backed up out of my drive way. We were on our way. I'm so nervous!

"So I don't know much about you Mya." Justin said as he drove down the road stopping at a stop sign. I gulped. "Well what do you want to know?" I said stealing a glance his way. He chuckled before answering "Anything and everything. How about I ask a question and you answer it?" He said as he showed off his sparkling white teeth. "Okay." I said slowly. He laughed lightly before turning a corner.

"Have you always lived in Canada?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road. "Uh no I used to live in America, Ohio. But when I was five my parents moved to Canada." I said as I look down at my lap. "Oh why did they want to move here?" He asked. "My dad got a job offer and he didn't want to pass up on it so we packed up and moved here." I said as I smiled. "Oh cool. So whats your favorite thing to do?" He asked as he stopped at red light. "I like to dance." I said. "Your a dancer?" He asked as he looked over at me with a smile. "No I wish. I wanted to become a dancer but my parents said no." "Wait why did they say no?" He said as he pulled into a parking lot and parked the car. He looked over at me waiting for me to answer.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at him. "I honestly don't know. I mean I always loved to make up my own dances. I would put in my head phones and just dance. When something bothered me I would escape into dance. I remember one time I got into this big argument with my friend and I went home put in my ear phones and just danced. I remember my sister coming to get me and she said I've been dancing for like 3 hours straight." I said as a smile spread across my face. I soon realized that I just went on and on about something he probably didn't even care about. I felt myself blush as I looked up at Justin, "Sorry." I said before looking away from his eyes.

He chuckled before answering, "don't be sweet heart. Those are the kinds of things I wanna hear." I looked up because I couldn't believe my ears. "Really?" I asked shocked. "Yes really. *laughs* I want to know the real you. Don't be afraid to tell me anything Mya." He said before reaching his hand over and lighting glazing the cheek with his finger tips. I blushed even more. "C'mon I made reservations."  He said as he got out and walked to my side of the car and opened my door and held out his hand for me to take. Which I gladly did. I climbed out and said thank you. He grabbed my hand and I swear I could feel sparks fly as he interlaced our fingers. He looked over at me and smiled and begin to walk towards the doors of this fancy restaurant.

We walked in and I couldn't believe my eyes, this place was huge. It had big arch ways that was made as a door way. They had chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, and they had big french paintings all over the walls. I looked around and noticed that it is really fancy dancy. I mean the most fanciest place I've ever been to was Olive Garden. But this place was way more fancier than Olive Garden. "Hi how may I help you tonight." A young man maybe in his late twenties asked as he looked up from his desk. "Hi table for two under Bieber." Justin said as he smiled back at me. The waiter nodded looked down at his clipboard before saying, "Alright follow me please." And he lead us to our table.

"Here you are Mr. Bieber. A waiter will be right with you." He said as we sat down in the booth in the back of the restaurant. Justin nodded and said thank you as that waiter walked away. "So tell me more about you." Justin said as he looked up at me with a smile. "Well what else do you want to know?" I asked as I played with a napkin that was sitting on the table. "Well how about your whole name?" He said as he smiled even bigger. "*chuckles* My whole name is Mya Rae Clark." I say as I look up at him. "Mya Rae Clarkson." He repeat as he looked at me. "I like it. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said as he smiled. And of course I felt myself blushing into a deep red shade. Did he just call me beautiful? I look up and hes looking at me.

"So I'm sure you might already know a lot about me but I know very little about you so how about we play a little game?" He said with a smirk. I just look at him. "What kind of game?" I ask as a waiter walks over to us. "Good evening guys are you ready to order?" He asked as he got his notepad ready. Oh crap I didn't even look at the menu!

"Deux de vos plus beaux bols de spaghetti et boulelles de viande avec deux verres de biere de racine s'il vous plait." Justin told the waiter. My mouth dropped completely open as he sat there and order in complete french. the waiter nods and walks away. Justin looks over at me "*chuckles* Whats wrong?" "You just ordered in complete french!" I said with my mouth still open. "What you didn't know I could speak in french?" He asked with a smile. "No I did. I just didn't know you spoke fluently." I said as I began to blush again. What is with me and blushing tonight?

"Tu es si belle en ce moment. Je ne peux pas croire que vous avez accepte d'aller a une date avec moi." He said as he looked up at me with those deep brown eyes. I don't understand a word he just said but man did he sound like heaven. He slowly slides his hand across the table. Slowly making its way to mine. He soon finds it and grabs it. I blush. I look down at the table.

"L'homme que j'aime quand tu rougis." He said as he squeezed my hand. I look up. "Please tell me what your saying." I say as my blush gets deeper and deeper in color. He smiles before he quickly shakes his head. "You really wanna know?" He asked. I nod my head yes. "Every single thing?" He asked. I once again nod yes. He smiles, "I said you look so beautiful right now. I cant believe you agreed to go on a date with me." He looks down and then back up into my eyes as he said that. A low blush forms on his cheeks. Awe hes blushing!!!

 I smile and wait for him to continue. "And I also said I love when you blush." His finger tips gently glaze across my cheek before laying back beside my hand. All I can do is stare at him. How did I get so lucky to have any of this happen. Getting to see him in concert, getting to be the One Less Lonely Girl, and definitely being able to sit right here across from the Justin Bieber hearing him tell me all these sweet things. It all happened so fast. Its like its a dream.

 Just then the waiter comes back with our food and drinks. I look up and see two bowls of spaghetti and meat balls and two glasses of root beer. I smile. I look at Justin and see that hes already looking at me. The waiter sets our food down and tells us to enjoy and he soon walks away. I look back at Justin, "Please tell me you like spaghetti?" He said with a smile. "I love it." I say as I put some on my fork. He smiles and does the same. "Good."

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