Chapter Twenty Seven

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Justins pov

"What the hell Justin! You asked for a two week break to come see your family! Not spend it with some girl you barely know!" Scooter yelled as he paced back and forth in my living room. Honestly I don't get why he's so mad. Why does it matter who I spend my break with? Yeah it was ment to be spent with my family, but the important thing was that I actually needed a break. I worked and toured for six months striaght with no breaks! I needed and deserved a break!

"Why are you so upset about this Scooter? Why does it matter to you who I spend it with? I'm still spending time with my family yeah I might spend time with Mya to but who cares? I needed a break Scooter! And she's not just some girl!" I shouted back as he's words made me angry.

How dare he tell me who I can and cant spend time with while I'm on break!

"Justin you just met this girl what a week ago? And you already getting yourself involved with the paps! I don't want you to see her again do you understand me! She's not good for you. She'll ruin your career, the career you worked so hard to get. And your just washing it all down the drain for a girl! How are we supposed to do what we talked about once your two week break is up?! Huh? We can't because you were spotted with another girl!" Scooter yelled again as his face became bright red as he continued to pace the room.

I huff in annoyance and stand up and walk over to Scooter, "Don't you dare sit there and tell me I can't see Mya again! You aren't my parents! You don't control my life outside of my career! And don't you dare tell me she'll ruin my career, you don't know a thing about her. Do you understand me?! I'm gonna continue to see her and your not gonna stop me. And as for that thing  you wanted me to do after my break is up was never gonna happen. I told you that from the start! Your gonna except the fact that you don't run my entire life, you may be my manager but you don't control anything! Now if you don't mind leave. I have better things to do then sit here and argue with you about who I can and cannot see!" I said as I marched over to the front door and held it open.

Scooter stood there shocked at my words. It took him a second to realize that I wasn't kidding, that I actually wanted him to leave. He slowly made his way out my front door,  before he turned to face me again. "If you stay with her and she breaks your heart and ruins your career don't come crying to me this time, asking me to pick up the pieces. This is gonna be your own mess to clean up." He said as he stared at me dead in the eyes.

I didn't move a muscle as I stared right back, "You know what's funny Scooter? You don't even know her and you don't even like her. You never even met her and your already judging her. What right do you have to tell me to not see her again? None. You could have at least given her a chance before you barged in here and voiced your opinion. I thought you were my friend. I thought you cared about my happiness. I guess I was wrong." I said before closing the door.


Woohoo two updates in one night! I'm on a roll! Lmao. Sorry that this chapter is really short but I was in the mood to write, so I did! I'm gonna try and update again here either tomorrow or in the next couple days. I hope you guys are liking this story so far, and as for the drama there's a lot more to come!!

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