Chapter Three

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As I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Monica's slow self to get here, I start to download apps on my phone. I downloaded Twitter first. I log onto my account and check my mentions. Everyone is blowing them up, wishing me a happy birthday. I reply to as many as I can before I hit tweet limit. I lock my phone and walk outside to sit on the porch. I see Monica's car driving down the street. She pulls into my drive way and I walk down to her car.

"Its about damn time. Gesh what happened did you get lost?" I asked as she gave me a dirty look. "Your lucky Mya that today's your birthday." She said as she got out of the car. "Or what?! What were you gonna do Monica?" I say as I playfully punch her arm. She just laughs and closes the car door handing me a present.

"Monica I told you I didn't..." I start off before she interrupts me.. "Does it look like I care what you told me? Now open the damn present. " She says with a tint of sass in her voice. I chuckle. You open the gift bag to find a box. You look up at Monica... "Um u got me a box?!" Monica chuckles "No you idiot, open the box."

You do as your told and rip open the box to find a pair of beats by Justin Bieber and to top it off they were purple your favorite color. "OMG OMG MONICA?! Where did you find these? I have been looking everywhere for them!" I say as I jump up and down. "I have my ways. Now lets go inside so you can tell me what was so important that I had to get my ass over here so quickly." She said as grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the front door.

"Hey Mr & Mrs Clark" Monica yells as she pulls me up the stairs towards my room. "Now sit down and don't move. I'll be back in a second." She said as she walked out of my room and into Ava's room. I could hear Ava jumping up and down. Apparently Monica got her the same thing as me.

Monica comes in my room and shuts the door. "Now tell me what the hell's going on." She says walking over and sitting on my bed grabbing my iPhone out of my hand playing with it, waiting for me to start. "Um I'm waiting Mya!" Monica said getting impatient. "Okay gesh calm down women! So like you know how Justin's coming here in 2 weeks?" I say getting excited again.

"Yes Mya that's all we talk about is Justin.." Monica replies looking at me with a funny face. "Well you know how I've been asking for tickets to go and see him right... Well Mom and Dad got me two floor seat tickets to see him!" I scream as I start to jump up and down. "No freaking way Mya!? I can't believe it!! Can I see the tickets?!!!" Monica says joining me jumping up and down.

I run over to my calendar and untack them and run back to Monica. "See I told you that we are going to see Justin!!" I say as I show her the two tickets. "OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! I CANT BELIEVE THIS!!!" Monica says. "Do you wanna come with me?!" I ask as I sit back down onto my bed. "Wait you want me to go? What about Ava, don't you have to take her?" Monica asks as she sits down beside me still looking at the tickets in her hand.

"Mom and dad got her two tickets too. And of course I wanna take you. Your my best friend Monica! We're gonna see him together! " I say giving her a confused look. "Well then yes I would love to go with you. Thank you so much Mya." Monica says as she pulls me into a hug.  We both just sit there crying, because we get to see Justin, finally after years of waiting its really happening. 

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