Chapter Fifteen

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Me and Ava sat there and waited for Justin to pull in any minute. As we waited I logged on to twitter and went through my news feed. Nothing exciting was happening so I logged off. I soon heard the door bell ring and I jumped up and ran to the door.

I opened the door to see Justin standing there looking perfect like always. He was wearing light colored skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt with a black zip up jacket on top with red surpas. He looked up at me and smiled. He looked me up and down. "Wow you look great Mya!" He said as he moved forward to give me a hug.

I chuckled, "Thanks. You don't look to bad your self." I said as I hugged him back. He smiled and reached for my hand. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded before turning and yelling in the door that I was leaving. And we soon made our way to the car.

Justin, like last night opened my door.  I smiled and said a quick thank you. He just smiled and nodded and ran over to his side of the car. He quickly got in and buckled up and made his way out of my drive way. "So how was your night last night?" He asked as he kept his eyes on the road. "It was good." I said as I laughed. "Good I'm glad." He said with a smile. 

"So where exactly are you taking me in the middle of the day?" I said looking over at him. "I told you its a surprise!" He said as he looked over and smirked at me.  "Can I at least have a hint?" I said hopefully. He shook his head as he chuckled.  "Just one please?" I begged. "Fine. But just one." I nodded excitedly.

He smiled,  "There's a lot of games there." I furrowed my eyebrows together. "How the hell is that gonna help me figure out where your taking me?" I asked. Justin laughed before saying, "I never said I would give you a hint that will help you I just said I would give you a hint." He looked over at me with a huge smile on his face. I frowned.

**20 Minutes later**

We finally arrived to where Justin was taking me. There was one problem. I still didn't know where we were. Justin made me put on a blindfold as soon as we started getting closer to the place he was taking me.

I heard his car door open and shut. I sat there patiently waiting for him to open my door and tell me I can take my blind fold off. Soon enough I heard my door open and felt him grip my elbow and my hand. He helped me out and shut the door. "Can I take this damn thing off now?" I asked. He chuckled before slowly untying the blindfold.

It took a couple seconds for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight but once they did my jaw dropped at what I seen. My hand flew to my mouth as a smiled spread across my face.

"You brought me to a carnival?!" I squeaked. He just laughed and nodded his head. "I told you this place had a lot of games." He said as he reached for my hand and started walking towards the ticket booth. I couldn't get over the fact that he brought me to a carnival! I haven't been to one in years.

I smiled and looked over at Justin. I couldn't help myself I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He leaned back a little bit taken back by surprise but he soon smiled and looked into my eyes. "I'm taking it as you like that I brought you here?" He asked as we waited in line to get out tickets.

I look up and nod my head. We soon got to the front of the line. "Hello would you like to buy 20 tickets for 5 dollars or you can buy a wrist band for 10 dollars?" The lady working the ticket booth said. "I'll take 2 wrist bands please." Justin said as he handed her the money.  She smiled and nodded and handed each of us our wristbands.

After we got each others wristbands on we made our way into the carnival. There was so much things to do it was hard to decide. There was thousands of game booths there were a ton of rides and lord for bid there was so many different food stands. From Elephant Ears to French fries and corn dogs to pizza!

I looked around trying to decided what I wanted to do first. I felt Justin squeeze my hand,  I looked up and saw he was pointing to a game booth. I smiled and nodded and we made our way over there. Justin handed the dude a 10 dollar bill and the guy handed him a bucket of small wooden balls. (It was the game where you throw balls at milk glasses)

Justin turned to me and smirked before he turned and threw one of the wooden balls. He missed terribly. I couldn't help but laugh.  He turned to me and frowned. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep in my giggles.  He grabbed another ball and threw it towards the milk glasses. This time he hit two out of the three. I chuckled as he grabbed another ball. He squinted his eyes and stuck his tongue out in concentration. Awe he was so cute! He aimed the ball and let it fly in the air. Soon enough he knocked down the third and last glass. He turned and smiled at me. I smiled back. He turned to face the man running the stand.

"You can choose any stuffed animal on the top self." He said. Justin turned to me "Take your pick beautiful." I smiled and step closer to take a look. There was a giant cute fluffy bear, there was a giant elephant with a pink bow on top of its head, or there was a giant monkey holding a banana. I bit my lip trying to decide what I wanted. I decided on the giant cute fluffy bear.

"The bear!" I said as I pointed up to it. The dude nodded and grabbed it and handed it to Justin. Justin turned to face me and he handed me the bear. I smiled, "Thank you." He smiled before pulling me closer to his body as his arm wrapped around my waist.

We stayed at the carnival almost the whole day eating, playing games, riding rides. Just having a good time. We couldn't stop laughing the whole day.

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