Chapter Thirty Seven

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After everyone had finished eating their breakfast Allison had us all go back up to our rooms to get our stuff packed and ready to leave to head to the arena. We will be moving on to another hotel tonight and she wants us to be ready and packed before the first preshow rehearsal. Justin is performing at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas tomorrow for the first show of the second North American leg of the tour, and after his performance we will be getting on the tour bus and heading to Huston. Which is over a three an a half hour bus ride. We only have technically three days in Texas and then we will be heading to Tennessee.

Me, Ashley, and Ryan are all heading back up to our rooms to gather our stuff. Justin had to stay back in the lounge to talk to Allison for a minute.

"Hey Ry do you know when Scooter will arrive I can't wait to officially meet him? I mean I met him before but it was like for 3 seconds." I asked as we reached the elevator. Ryan reached forward and pressed the up button. He looked at Ashley before taking a deep breath, "He said there are somethings that needs taken care of with management, and he wants to get them settled out before he flies out."

"What's going on with management? Is it something serious?" I ask as the elevator arrives and we all step in.

"Um I don't really know what's going on with them." Ryan said as the elevator dinged signalling that we were on our floor. We walk the short walk to our rooms and I am about to walk in the room when Ryan stops me.

"Mya you do know that being on tour with Justin is the complete opposite of being at home and spending the day with him right?" He said as he stood between me and the doorway.

"Well yeah of course I do. I know that he's going to be working like crazy. Why?" I said as I looked at him in confusion. "I just wanted to make sure that you know and understand that its going to get very crazy, very busy, and very tiring and not to mention at times frustrating. Justin is an extremely different person when he is working and touring. It's a lot of work and it is stressful, but it is also a lot of fun. You get to see so many new and different places. You get to try new things while you are there. I just didnt want you to be expecting something that doesnt really happen." Ryan said as he reached out and rubbed my shoulder.

I nodded my head before pulling at out my key and sliding it in the key opener, the door swung opened and I looked at Ashley. "You coming Ash?"

"Yeah I'll be right in, just give me a sec." She said as she smiled and waved me on. I nodded and closed the door.

Ashley's POV

Once Mya was out of hearing range and I was most positive that she wouldn't come back out I quickly turned to look at Ryan.

"You know you shouldn't lie to her." I say as I lay my hands on my hips and raise my eyebrows at him.

He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. "What would you like me to tell her Ashley?" He said clearly getting flusterated.

"Maybe start with the truth. She deserves to know. We can't keep lying to her, she's going to find out soon enough. And when that happens things are going to get ugly." I turn and take a step towards the door and I'm suddenly pulled to a stop as Ryan grabs my elbow.

"Ashley I don't even think Justin knows." Ryan said with a concerned look on his face. My face hardens in confusion, "What do you mean he doesn't know?"

"Think about it. What happened when Scooter found out Justin was hanging out with Mya? He got mad, and then when he found out that Justin asked her to be his girlfriend? He flew clear to Canada to tell him to dump her because it would ruin the plan." Ryan said as he looked me straight in the eyes.

"But Justin didn't dump Mya, instead he asked her to come on tour?" I say looking down, trying to figure out where Ryan was going with this.

"Exactly. So why would Justin ask Mya to come on tour if he wanted to go through with Scooters plan?" My eyes shot up to meet his, a gasps quickly left my lips, "He didn't."

Without thinking I turn and start to pace up and down the small space between our room doors.

"Ashley he doesn't know that Scooter is still planning on going through with the plan, and Mya doesn't even know that the plan even existed." Ryan said as he walked over in front of me blocking me from pacing anymore. "We can't tell Mya. And we can't tell Justin."

My head shot up, "What do you mean we can't tell them?! Neither one of them knows about it!" I said as anger cursed through my veins.

"Exactly. Neither one of them know, and if neither one of them knows about it then Scooters plan isn't going to work. They will just go on with life as if nothing is going to happen." Ryan said.

"And what happens if it does work? Then what are we going to do huh? Sit here and watch our friends get hurt?" I said as I took a step around Ryan and walked to my door, pulling out my key.

"We just have to hope that it doesn't." I heard Ryan said as I opened the door and without looking back walked in and closed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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