Chapter Thirty Two

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"Mya! Mya wake up!" Ava says loudly as she shakes me awake. I groan and roll over. "C'mon Mya get up!" She says as she grabs my blankets and yanks them off me. I finally give up. "Okay, okay! I'm up gesh!" I say as I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes.

"Okay good. Are you all packed like I told you to be." She asked as she walks over to my closet and grabs me a pair of dark washed skinny jeans and a black t shirt that has an infinity sign on it. She throws them at me as she grabs me my black vans. "Yes I'm all packed. Don't you see all my bags by the door." I say as I quickly stand up and start to get dressed.

"Okay good. Well hurry up and get dressed and bring all of your luggage down stairs. There's a few things I have to finish up before we leave for the airport." She says as she grabs her iPhone out of her pocket and makes her way towards my door.

"Wait! Ava, aren't you going to tell me your plan?" I asked as I am putting my shoes on. "Yes, I'll tell you once your done getting ready and have all your stuff down stairs." She said and this time she walks out my door. Once I have my vans on and I'm completely dressed I walk into my bathroom and brush my teeth and do my hair and make up.

Only just re straightening it and adding just mascara and eyeliner to my eyes. I walk back into my room, throw my extra straighter and make up and tooth brush into one of my bags. I then grab my phone off the charger pushing it deep into my back pocket and unplugging my charger from the wall and shoving it into the top zipper of my one suitcases, I look around my room making sure I have everything I needed before loading my arms up with my bags and heading down stairs.

I hear Ava faintly talking on the phone in the kitchen as I place all my bags on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the bar. I grab an apple from the  fruit bowl as I wait for her to get off the phone. A couple minutes pass as I continue to eat my apple when I finally hear her say bye before she hangs up. She looks at the time and then looks at me.

"Okay Mya, we have an hour before we have to leave for the airport. So I might as well tell you the plan now." Ava says as she sits down across from me and grabs a banana. I nod and wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand, " Alright tell me the plan."

"Justin is picking us up and taking up to the airport. Once we arrive at the airport you and Justin will make your way to gate 128 D. I will then make my way to gate 115 C. You and Justin will be flying with his crew to his first stop of the tour, which will begin in Texas. I will be flying to Ohio to meet mom and dad to go and stay at Aunt Jody's until she is better." Ava said as she took a bite of her banana.

"Wait! How am I going with Justin when Mom and Dad said I had to come to Ohio as well. What about Mom and Dad? They said I cant go. You cant just show up in Ohio with out me. They will be furious. Hell they will probably hunt me down and kill me and then drag me back to Ohio." I say as I stare at her bug eyed.

"No Mya, Dad said you couldn't go. Mom never said anything about you not going with Justin. As far as she knows your still going." Ava said with a huge smile. I furrow my eyebrows and try and let what she just said sink in. "Ava I'm so confused."

"Mya you are thinking to deep into this. Its really not this hard to understand. Okay listen, I might have secretly talked to mom while dad was busy making phone calls yesterday before they left. And I might have convinced her into thinking that there isn't really any need for you to go. I mean there isn't the room for all of us. And why do we all need to go? I mean I did hear dad say that Aunt Jody only had a really bad case of the flu. So then mom got to thinking and she knew I was right. She knew that there wasn't a need for all us to go. So she gave me the okay to call Justin and get him in on the plan. Of course dad doesn't know that your not coming,  he still thinks your flying in with me, but Mom said don't worry about him. She'll handle him." Ava said as her smile grew bigger.

I couldn't believe my ears. Did she seriously just say that her and Mom went behind my dads back to plan this whole thing so I can go with Justin? Oh my god. "Ava dad is gonna kill us all!" I say as I chuckle. I cant believe she did all this for me. She just laughs.

"Thank you so much Ava. You don't know how much this means to me! Omg I owe you big time!" I say as I run over and hug her tightly, causing her to almost drop her banana.   She laughs as she hugs me back, "Just promise me you'll meet some famous people for me?" "Haha okay!" I say as I smile at her.

We are now sitting in the living room waiting for Justin to get here. "Ava what are you gonna do if Dad gets mad at you and Mom for doing this for me? I mean I never snuck around behind his back. I don't want to make him mad." I say as I look over at her.

"Well Mya, I honestly don't care if he gets mad at me. There's really no need for both me and you to go. I'm sure me and mom can handle the girls by ourselves. Dad just has to realize that he cant always control everything we do. He has to loosen up a bit. And yes I'm sure he is going to be really ticked when I get off the plan and he sees your not with me. But he will eventually calm down. Don't worry me and Mom will deal with him when he finds out. You just worry about going with Justin and having fun okay?" Ava says as she lays her hand on my lap and smiles at me.

I nod my head and smile back.

We soon hear a car horn outside signalling that Justin's here. We stand up and we each grab our luggage and head outside. Justin and Jeremy are waiting there to help us with our bags. Once we made it down the front steps and to the car they greet us and load everything up. "You all packed up baby?" Justin asked me as he kisses my temple softly before opening the back door. I smile and nod my head yes. We climb in and buckle up and make our way to the air port.

*skip car ride*

We have gone through security and done everything that needed to be done. And we are now standing in the boarding part of the airport.  Pattie and the rest of the crew have all ready gone to our gate. Me and Justin stay back to see Ava board.

"Flight 196 for Akron, Ohio is now boarding. I repeat, Flight 196 for Akron, Ohio is now boarding." A ladies voice comes on over the loud speakers. "Okay girly! This is it. Its time to go our separate ways." Ava said as she looked at me as she held her passport in one hand and pulled me into a tight hug with the other. I held her tightly for a few moments, not wanting to let her go.

"Now stay out of trouble you here! And remember to meet tons of famous people as you travel all over. And text and call me everyday!" She says as she pulls away too look at me. I smile and nod my head yes, "Of course. And you stay out of trouble too! And thank you again Ava for doing this. I hope you don't get into trouble." I say sadly.

"Oh, Mya when aren't I in trouble?" She says as she laughs. I smile and laugh with her. "Yeah I know right." I say. "Last call for all boarders for Flight 196 for Akron, Ohio. I repeat last call for all boarders for Flight 196 Akron, Ohio." The voice said again. "Alright well have a safe flight sis and call me when you get settled in." I say as I pull her in for one last hug.

"You too sis. I'll talk to ya soon. Bye love you!" Ava said as she let me go and waved as she walked up to her terminal and gave the lady her ticket. She turned and waved one last wave before she disappeared down the terminal.

I take a deep breath as I watch her leave. I soon felt Justin intertwine out hands together. I smile up at him as I squeeze his hand. "Are you ready?" He asked as he pulls me into a side hug. I nod my head yes as I let him lead me towards our gate.

I am now currently sitting on the plane waiting for it to take off. I am sitting next to the window looking out when I soon feel someone sit down in the seat beside mine. I look over and see that it is Justin. He smiles at me as he grabs my hand.

"She'll be okay Mya. She said her mom will deal with your dad. Please stop worrying." He says as he tries to reassure me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, " Your right. She said everything with be alright so I have to trust her." I say as I look over at Justin and smile. He smiles back. "Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. This is your captain speaking. We are about to take off. Please fasten you seat belts. And prepare for take off."

We fastened your seat belts and I leaned my head back and take a deep breath as I closed my eyes. Dear lord, please let my dad understand. I say as I soon feel the plane begin to move and make its way down the run way. 

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