Chapter Twenty Nine

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Mya's p.o.v.

"No way! You really have a twin Mya?!" Ryan asked as we all climbed out of the pool and began drying ourselves off. I chuckle, "Yeah her names Ava." I said as I wrap the towel around my body and pull my hair up into a messy bun.

"Do you guys look alike?" Ashley asked as she copied my actions. Justin walked over and grabbed my hand as we walked into the house. "Um yeah a little. She's a little bit shorter then me, but we look alike." I said as we all walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island.

"That's so cool! I wish I had a twin!" Ryan said. "I mean it has its ups and downs. But overall I wouldn't trade her for the world." I said as I smiled. They all smile at me. "So what do you guys wanna eat?" Justin asked as he looks in his frig. "How about we order food!" Ryan suggested as he gave Justin a funny look. Justin smirked.

"What you don't like my cooking Ryan?!" Justin said as his smirk got bigger. "Its not that I don't like it its just, well you can't really cook.  And since the last time you cooked I got really sick with food poisoning I think I'll pass." Ryan said as he laughed.

"What Justin your cooking gave him food poisoning?!" I said shocked as I looked at him. "He's totally lying Mya! Don't fall in his trap!" Justin said as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple before whispering in my ear, "It only gave him the flu." I playfully swatted him away, "Justin!" I squeaked. He just laughed before picking his phone up to call and order pizza. 

We all hung out for the rest of the afternoon. Justin offered me a ride home and I happily agreed. "So I think that Ryan and Ashley really like you." Justin said as he squeezed my hand as he continued to drive to my house. "Yeah I think so too! I really like them as well. Ryan is so funny and Ashley is so sweet." I said as I smiled over at him. He smiled back.

We pulled into my drive way and I unbuckled my seat belt. "Thank you for inviting me over today. I had a lot of fun." I said as I turned to face Justin.  He smiled as he lifted his hand and caressed my cheek. "I'm glad you came. I had fun too." He said as he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"Alright well I better go before my mom has a fit." I say as I slowly open the door. Justin let go of my hand and waved. "Alright bye baby. Have a good night." He said as I closed the door. I smiled and waved back as I walked up to my front door.

I turned to see Justin backing out and driving away. I walk in and seen my mom and dad sitting in the living room. "Oh hey Mya. How was your day with Justin?" My mom asked as she set down her book. I smiled, "It was so much fun. I met his best friend and his best friends girlfriend. We went swimming and ate pizza!"

"Well I'm glad you had fun babygirl. Oh and you have a visitor upstairs." My dad said. I furrowed my eyebrows together, a visitor? Who could it be? I pull my phone out and check the time, 8:45 pm. Hmm. I take the steps two at a time and stop by my room and drop my bag off. I thought dad said I had a visitor? No ones here. That's when I heard laughing come from Ava's room. I turn on my heel and make my way across the hall to her room. I knock lightly before I hear her say come in.

I open the door and slowly walk in only to find Monica. Why was Monica here? "Hey what are you doing here?" I ask as I walk over to her and Ava.

"Well I haven't talked to you for over a week, so I thought I'd stop by and see you guys." She said as she smiled at me. "Oh yeah um sorry about that... I was um kinda busy." I said discretely. I don't know if I should tell her about Justin or not. I mean she is my best friend and all but I just I... "Oh yeah Ava was telling me about how busy you been with your new boyfriend." She said with a tint of jealousy? I look over at over at Ava and give her the look. She just shrugs and mouths sorry.

"You could say that." I whisper. "Why didn't you tell me? I texted you last week and you never answered. Did you not want me to know?!" She asked kind of meanly. "Its not that I didnt want you to know it's just I havent had time. I've been busy Monica." I said shocked. I cant believe this. She seriously is getting mad over me not telling her?

"Mya we are supposed to be best friends! We are supposed to tell each other everything. Yet you kept this a secret?! And don't give me that bullshit you were busy! I seen your tweets. You had time to tweet about it but not tell me?!" She said as her voice got louder.

"I can't believe you. I'm so sorry that I don't text you 24/7! I have a life now Monica!  I'm actually happy for once! Why are you being like this?" I said as my voice rose just as well. "Who is he?! Huh? Who is this guy that's taking you away from your friends? Does he think that now that you are dating you can't see anyone or talk to anyone of your friends anymore?!" She screamed as she got up off of Ava's bed and move in front of me.

"God I can't believe you! All you care about is your damn self! Get your head out of your ass and for once realize the world doesn't revolve around you Monica! And no he doesn't think that in fact he wants me to hang out with my friends but I like hanging out with him!" I said as I felt my face get redder.

"Do you think hes better then your friends?!! Tell me who it is Mya!" She said sternly. I was furious. Its non of her business. "No, its none of your damn business." I said as I held my ground. She doesn't get to come here and boss me around and then expect me to tell her. Plus it really is non of her business. Its not a three person relationship.

"Mya!" She yelled. Before I could answer Ava stepped in. I didn't realize how close we had gotten to each other until we both took a step back. "Damn both of you stop fighting! Its not that big of deal! Just tell her Mya. Its not going to kill you." Ava said as she stood in between us. I gasped. "Really? Its non of her business. She doesn't just get to march in here and demand I tell her my business!" I said as I looked at Ava shocked. She was supposed to be on my side.

"Why won't you just tell me?! Its not like I'm going to hunt him down and take him from you!" Monica said angrily. Once again I didn't have time to speak because of Ava, "Fine since you won't tell her I will. She's your best friend Mya." She said before looking at me. I didn't say anything I was too mad. "She's dating Justin." Ava whispered. Monica gasps. I looked over at Ava. I shook my head.

"Your dating Justin?!" Monica said softly. "Get out. Now." I said before walking out of Ava's room. I heard them calling my name but I kept walking. I can't right now. I trusted Ava and I thought Monica would respect me enough to give me some privacy. Yes she was my best friend.... well used to be, but she's too controlling. Everything has to go her way or no way. And I get tired of it. I want to be able to have things of my own.  And with Monica she can't do that.

I walked into my room and slammed the door shut before locking it.

Ava and Monica were knocking on my door. Asking me to come out and talk. I was too pissed to even think, and before I knew it I was walking over to my dresser and grabbed the bff necklace Monica had giving me in 8th grade. I walked over to my door unlocked it and threw it at Monica. 

"We are no longer friends. Leave and don't come back. If you can't except my privacy then don't except to be my friend." And with that I closed my door and re locked it.

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