Chapter Eleven

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Me and Justin finished eating our spaghetti and Justin, being the gentlemen that he is insisted that he pay. We got up and walk out to the car, "So there's somewhere else I wanna take you is that okay?" Justin asked as he opened my car door for me. I look down at my phone. The time was 10:30 I had plenty of time. Didn't have to be home until 12. "Yeah." I said with a smile. He smiled back and closed my door and ran over to his side and climbed in.

"Can I know where your taking me?"  I asked as Justin backed out and drove down the road. "No." He said as a smile formed across his face. "Wait why not?" I asked as I looked over at him with my mouth dropped open. "Because its a surprise." He said as he looked over at me and winked. I rolled my eyes before looking away, "fine." I said as I looked out the window.

"So, so far I know your whole name, which is Mya Rae Clarkson. And that you want to become a dancer. And you love spaghetti." He says as he gives off a chuckle. I smile and look at him. "What else do you want to know?" "How old are you?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road. "I just turned 16 a couple weeks ago." He nodded his head in response. I wonder if he thinks I'm to young? "Lets finish the game we started at the restaurant?" He said as he looked over at me waiting for my answer.

"Okay. Ask away." I said as I chuckled. "Whats your favorite color?" "Purple." I answered. "Whats your favorite drink?" He asked. "Root Beer." "Hockey or football?" "Neither." I said looking over at him. He quickly looked over at me with a shocked expression on his face. "What?! You don't like hockey or football?" He asked as he put his eyes back on the road. I shook my head no. "Nope." I said popping the p. He shook his head before moving on.

"Okay well then do you play any sports?" "Nope." I said. "Do you have any brother or sisters?" He asked looking over at me as he stopped at a red light. "Just my twin, Ava." I said as I looked over. "Ava's your twin???" He asked. "Yes. Is it my turn to ask you questions yet?" I asked as he begins to drive again. He nodded and I thought of my first question.

"Whats it like being famous? Having everyone in your business? Having them judge you at everything you do?" I asked as I looked over and watched his face expression turn from happy to discomfort. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." I said quickly before he interrupted me, "No, no your fine. Your just curious." He said as he looked over at me and smiled.

"Its different then what I was used to. It took awhile to get used to having thousands of screaming girls screaming my name. *chuckles* Being famous comes with the good and the bad. The good is being able to perform for all my beliebers and making their dreams come true like they did mine. Without them I would be nothing. I wouldn't be doing anything that I'm doing now if they didn't make my dream come true. *smiles* You have to learn to try and ignore all the hate. Yeah its hard at times and it seems like everyone is out to get you, but you just have to think of all the positive things about this life, like for example being able to travel the world and being able to meet new people and make other peoples dreams come true. Being able to hear someone say that I saved their life. Its amazing at times and horrible at others. Not every day is going to be a good day but not every day is going to be a bad one either." He said as he looked at the road and kept driving.

Wow. That came from the heart. I just looked at him in awe. I smiled and looked out the window. Taking everything Justin just said in. He really does care about beliebers.

He looked over at me and smiled. "We are here." I looked up and out the window. I couldn't believe my eyes. He took me to the Avon Theater. I blinked a couple of times before looking over at him. He was still looking at me with a smile on his face. He got out of the car walked over to my side and opened the door. He patiently waited for me to get out. He grabbed my hand and led me to the steps where he once sat before all of his fame.

He sat down and patted the seat beside him. Signalling me he wanted me to sit. I did so. I looked down and looked at the star that said beliebers. I smiled to myself, not realizing Justin was also staring at me. "You know your really beautiful." He said as he reached over and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. I looked down and blushed. He smiled and looked down at the star. "This is where it all started." He said in a light whisper. I looked over at him. "What made you want to be a belieber Mya?" He asked out of no where.

I looked down and then back up at him before I answer, "Well just the way you were down to earth with your fans. You always stayed humble. You didn't let the fame or the money get in your head. You aren't like any other artist Justin. Through all the crap you went through you still gave back and remembered where you came from. You didn't change. You stayed you. And that's what made me want to become apart of this fandom." I said as I looked at the star and up at Justin.

 He looked back at me and stared into my eyes. A small smile formed on his lips. "Thank you." He said as he continued to look deep into my eyes. "For?" "For not giving up on me when times got hard. For always believing in me." He said so sincerely. I smiled and laid my hand on top of his.

He looked down at our hands and smiled. He looked back into my eyes before looking at my lips and licking his. He started to lean in. So did I. We were just inches apart. Our lips almost touching before....

*ding ding ding* My phone went of signalling I had a text message. I huffed and looked down at my phone it was from Ava.

From: Ava

"Heyy sis I know your probably having an amazing time with Justin but its almost midnight. Might want to start heading this way oh and I want details about to night as soon as you get home! Love ya bye(: "

I looked back up at Justin. He had a worried look on his face. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "Yeah, just my sister reminding me I need to be home by midnight." I said as I look down at my phone. "Oh yeah sorry I forgot. We should probably get going if we wanna make it back on time." He said as he stood up and held out his hand to help me up. I gladly took and made my way back to his car.

We got in and started to drive back to my house. It was silent for most of the way there. I wonder whats going through Justin mind right now? What if he didn't mean to lean in and almost kiss me. What if he thought I was weird because I had a curfew. What if... "Hey Mya?" Justin's voice sang as he interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah?" I said looking up at him. "Can I see you again tomorrow night?" He asked.

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