Chapter Thirty Five

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Me and Justin have done nothing but watch movie after movie. The most we have done today was lounge on the couch, eat room service, and watch movies. Its starting to get late and my so called room mate still isn't here yet. I have tried to pry it out of Justin, but he won't spill. Its frustrating. We are now cuddled up on the couch trying to decide if we should watch another movie or not when Justin's phone starts buzzing.

Justin picks it up off the coffee table in front of us and answers it. "Ayyeeee man its about time. What's up? Where are you guys at?" He asks as he sits up letting me go. I raise my eyebrows, I wonder who he's talking too? "So you guys are here?" He asks as he gets excited. He looks over at me with the biggest smile on his face. "Alright man we will meet you down stairs!" And with that he hangs up.

He reaches for my hand and pulls me to my feet. "Let's go sweet cheeks your roomie is here!!!" He says as he drags me out the door and down the hall. I laugh at his cuteness. We are currently riding down the elevator when Justin squeezes my hand. "I hope you like who I placed as your room mate. For what I remember you guys got along great!" He says as he looks at me with a little worried-some face.

I smile up at him, "I'm sure I'll love my room mate." And gently squeeze his hand reassuringly. He smiles back. The elevator digs and we are now on the lobby floor. I look around the room hopefully trying to recognize anyone who could be my room mate. He says that I have met them before so I obviously know them.

Justin is soon pulling me in the direction if the lounge sitting area. He stops and looks around before we hear someone yelling his name. "Yo Justin over here!!" Justin turns in the direction the voice is coming from and soon his smile is back. "Ayeee Ryan my man! I'm so glad you guys made it. I was getting worried." Justin said he engulfed Ryan into a hug.

"Man I wouldn't miss your tour for the world. You know that!" Ryan says as he pulls away and smiles at Justin. He looks over at me. "Oh hi Mya. So your dad actually let you come?" He says as he gives me a hug as well. I smile and shrug my shoulders, "He doesn't know I'm here." I say as he faced turns from amusement to shocked. "Wow, watch out we got a badass over here!" Ryan says as he holds his hands up. We all three start laughing.

"So where's Ashley?" Justin asks as he helps Ryan gather up their bags. "She had to go to the lady's room. She should be back any minute." And with that being said Ashley walks out and looks around. She finally spots us. She smiles and heads our way. "Hey guys!" She says once she reaches us. "Are you guys ready to head to the rooms?" Justin asks as he makes his way back over to me and grabs my hand.

*skip to later that night*

Me and Ashley are currently sitting in our own room, watching some TV. Justin and Ryan brought all our stuff to mine and Ashley's room earlier. They had just left since it was going on midnight. "So are you excited to be touring the word?" Ashley asks as she grabs the popcorn she made earlier and begins to chow down.

"Yeah, I am actually. I've always wanted to travel. The only places I've been are Ohio and Canada. Me and my sister always talked about traveling together,we were actually supposed to come together, but something came up and she couldn't come." I say as I realize that she hasn't even texted me yet about Dads reaction.

Surely she's landed? I mean her flight was only a 4 hour flight. I check my phone just in case I missed it. Still nothing. "Oh why wasn't she able to come?" Ashley asks as she looks over at me.

I shrug, "Well something came up with my Aunt and well my family flew to Ohio to help watch my cousins. And well my dad said everyone had to go, which meant I couldn't come with Justin. And well my sister kinda made up this entire plan of me sneaking off to come with Justin when she flew to Ohio." I say as I reach over and grab a handful of popcorn.

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