Chapter Seven

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Ava's P.O.V

I couldnt believe my eyes. Was I dreaming or was he really standing there? Right in front of me... I blinked a couple of times to make sure. I heard him clear his throat. "Are you alright sweet heart?" I heard him ask before I came back from my daze. "Uhh umm uhh." Was all that came out. He chuckled as I move to the side to give him room to walk in. He walks in and looks around the house at all the pictures hanging on the wall. I still couldn't believe the JUSTIN BIEBER was standing in my living room looking at mine and Mya's baby pictures.

"Um Justin don't get me wrong or anything but why are you at my house?" I ask as I walk over to him. "Well I was looking for a girl I met at my concert last night and someone told me she lived here." He said as he turned and gave me that heart stopping jaw dropping in awe smile. God was he beautiful. I shook my head from side to side hoping to clear my head of all the dirty thoughts I was getting just from his smile. "What girl are you looking for?" I asked.

He smiles again before he walks closer to me. He leans down, he was a tad bit taller than me and by tad I mean really tall, and whispers in my hear "My One Less Lonely Girl." I shiver as I feel his breath hit my warm neck. I gulp as I back away. As I do I see that beautiful smile again. "Uh yeah she's upstairs I'll go get her." I turn on my heel and dash up the stairs to Mya's room. I almost break the door down as I run in and tackle her to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL AVA?!!!!" Mya yells as she pushes me off of her and gives me a death glare. "You need to get down stairs right now!!!" I say as I back up towards the door. "Why?! Why do I need to go down stairs? I was just down there." Mya says as she sits on her bed next to Monica. "You will never guess whose down there waiting for you right now." I say as I stop just before I reach the hallway. "Whose down stairs, supposedly waiting for me Ava?" She said as she starts picking at her nails. "WOULD YOU PLEASE QUIT ACING LIKE A SPOILED BRAT AND GET YOU BUTT DOWN STAIRS AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF?!" I yell as I finally get fed up with her snooty-ness. She huffs before she gets up and starts walking towards me before she suddenly stops and looks behind me. Her eyes get super big and her mouth drops open like she just seen a ghost. I look at Monica and she has the same expression on her face.

I smile as I realize they finally believe me at whose here. "I told you, you would never guess who was waiting for you." I say as I see Justin walk around me and towards Mya.

Mya's P.O.V

I couldnt believe my eyes. How was the Justin Bieber standing right in front of me?! He should be half way across the world by now!!! I could feel my insides shaking with every step he took as he got closer and closer to me. When he finally reached me he smiled and pulled me close into his chest. And God did he smell like heaven. I cant even described how good he smelt. I felt him wrap his arms around my neck and squeeze. I wrapped my arms around his torso and just stood there and held him as he held me. It felt like forever as we stood there and held each other. I couldn't believe I was actually standing in my idols arms while he was in my bedroom. Like how could this be? Oh God please don't let this be a dream! And if this is a dream please don't let me wake up. Like ever.

It all ended to soon. He slowly unwrapped his arms from around my neck and took a step back and just looked at me. He smiled before he looked at Ava and Monica. "Do you guys mind giving me and um???" He looks at me waiting for me to say my name. "Mya." "Me and Mya a minute alone?" He asked as he looked back at them. They both nod and slowly walk towards the door. They turn and smile and give me a thumbs up before they exit my room closing the door. Justin watches them as they leave and when the door is finally closed he turns to me with a smile on his face. All I can do is blush and look down.

I fell him lift my head up. "Don't be shy sweet heart." He said as he took my hand and moved us towards my bed. We both sat down and I just looked at him. "Justin I don't understand." I say as I look up into his eyes. God was his eyes the most amazing thing to get lost in. He chuckled "Don't understand what?" "I don't understand while your here. Shouldn't you be like half way across the world by now?" I ask. He looks down at his intertwined hands before he looks back at me. "I'm actually on a two week vacation. I'm staying in Canada for most of it to visit with the family." He said as he looked back at me.

"Ohh okay. But why are you at my house?" I ask being completely blunt about it. He gives off the most wonderful laugh and I suddenly realize what I said. And once again I find myself blushing. I can feel my self turning a deep red, like the color of a tomato. Great. I thought to myself. Justin looks me in the eyes before he stands up and pulls out a white envelope. I furrow my eyebrows together as he sits back down and starts to talk. "Well Allison was saying how she promised you those pictures you and the whole crew took together last night at the concert. And she was saying she was going to mail them. And to be honest I didn't see the whole point of her mailing them because it would take days before they even got here. So I was like why don't I just deliver them to her. I mean I thought it would be simpler because you would get them so much faster. So that's how I'm here, sitting in your room talking to you." He said with a big smile.

I couldn't believe my ears. Did the Justin Bieber personally want to deliver the pictures we took the night on the night of the concert? I look back up at him and noticed that he had a even bigger smile on his face as he said "And I kinda wanted to ask you a question."

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