Chapter Twenty Six

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Justins Pov

I drove back to my dads house after dropping Mya off. Today went really well if I do say so myself. I mean my parents love her and the littles, well lets just say they really really love her. I chuckle as I remember all that has happened today. I can't believe Mya actually said yes. I mean I heard her tell Ava she wanted to be my girlfriend and all but thats not why I asked her.

I asked her because my feelings for her have gotten stronger over the last week.  She makes me feel so happy and alive. Whenever I'm with Mya it feels like my heart is just gonna jump right out of my chest. She gives me butterflies whenever she holds my hand. She made me believe in love again.  I smile as I start to think about Mya.

I know I was supposed to spend this two week break with my family, but I just can't get enough of Mya. I find myself always wanting to be with her and if I can't be with her I find myself always wanting to talk to her.

I pull into my dads drive way and take a deep breath before stepping out of the car and heading up to the front door. I walk in and see my dad sitting in the living room. I quietly walk over there and sit next to him on the couch. He doesn't look up at me but just continues to stare at his feet.

"I'm really sorry about just leaving and not telling you Dad. You guys were right. I should have told someone where we were going in case something happened. And I apologize for raising my voice and yelling at you. You had every right to be mad at me." I whispered as I look down at my folded hands.

I hear my dad take a deep breath before he sets his hand on my thigh. "Its alright Justin. I understand that you wanted some privacy with Mya, but you can't just leave without telling someone. Do you realize how worried we were about you guys?" My dad said as he looked over at me.

I nod my head, "I know and I'm sorry, it's just I wanted to just have a normal moment with her. I wanted to be able to talk to her like I was a normal person and not some well know pop star who has to be supervised every where I go, and I know that I should have thought about it before just getting up and leaving. I promise it won't happen again." I say as I look over at him. He nods his head before he pats my thigh, "Why don't you go see if Erin has any left overs for you to take home?" He said.

I smiled and nodded my head, "Alright." With that I got up and walked into the kitchen to get the left overs.

Later that night 

After hanging out with my dad and the littles a bit more me and mom made our way back to the house.  "So you asked Mya to be your girlfriend huh?" My mom said as we gathered the things out of the back seat and made our way into the house. I smiled and nodded my head yes, "Yeah I did. She said yes." I said as I opened and held the door open for my Mom to walk in.

"That's great Justin! I'm happy for you baby." She said as she set the food on the counter. "Thanks Mom." I said as I smiled and looked down and blushed. I heard my mom take a ragged breath, "Justin are you sure your ready for this?" She asked. I looked up at her confused.  "What do you mean?" I ask as I walked over to her.

"I mean you guys just moving pretty fast. You have only known her for a week and you guys are already together. I mean you were friends with Selena for over a year before you asked her to be your girlfriend. I just don't want to see you get hurt again Justin that's all." She said as she looked up at me as she laid a hand on my shoulder. 

"Why is it that every time I start to get happy someone says something to ruin it. Cant you just be happy for me Mom? I have to move on from Selena, and I cant do that when everyone talks about her. When I'm with Mya I forget all about my problems and my lifestyle and the bad things that come with my lifestyle. When I'm with her I'm just happy. I haven't been happy for while Mom, and you know that. But when I'm with Mya I'm a different person, a better person. Just give Mya a chance. Just give us a chance, please?" I plead as I look at my mom hoping to change her mind.

She takes a deep breath before nodding her head, "Okay, okay I'll give her a chance. But please don't rush into anything. Promise me you'll take things slow." She asked as she reached over and grabbed a hold of my hand. I smiled and nodded before pulling her into a hug, "Thanks Mom! And I promise to take things slow."

She hugged me back as she lightly chuckles, "I actually really like Mya. She's a sweet girl and she's really good with the kids. I can tell she makes you happy Justin. And that's all I want is for you, is to be happy." She says as she pulls away from the hug. I smile down at her as I feel my cheeks get hot.

"Yeah she does make me happy." I say as I run my fingers through my hair. We  walk into the house and put all the left overs away in the frig, I was just about to walk upstairs to take a shower when I heard someone knock on our front door. 

I furrow my eyebrows together, "Mom are you expecting anyone?" I yell out as I head for the door. "No." She calls back. Huh, wonder who it could be.  I reach for the door handle and open the door. I'm surprised at whose standing there.

"Scooter? What are you doing here?" I ask as I see his face expression isn't a happy one. In fact he looked kinda pissed. Why would he look pissed tho? "Justin we need to talk!" Scooter said as he pushed passed me. Someone isnt happy. I think to myself as I close the door.

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