Chapter Six

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As the concert ended everyone got up and slowly left the arena. I didn't want to leave. The night ended to quickly. As we walk out we see and hear a lot of girls whispering and point at me. I smile and wave as I remember that I was Justin's One Less Lonely Girl. We make our way to the parking lot and we start looking for our car. As I'm looking for our car the only think I can think about is Justin. The way he pulled me closer for the picture. The way he called me beautiful, sweetheart, and princess.

I smile at the memory of when he kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand. My dream finally came true. I got to see my idol. I got to be his One Less Lonely Girl, and I even got to have a little meet and greet. I guess you can call it luck or fate. But he taught me something over the years and that is to Never Say Never.

I'm soon brought out of my daydream when I feel someone grab my wrist and jolt me to a stop. I look up at who grabbed me and seen it was Monica. "Did you even hear what I just said Mya?" She asked a little annoyed. "Uhh no sorry. What did you say?" "I said do you remember where we parked the car?" I shook my head no.  "Well this is just great!" She said as she threw her hands up in the air. I looked around and start walking to the left and in between cars. I soon find our car and we all piled in. As we all got buckled and Monica pulled out and that's when everyone started asking questions.

"What was it like to be the One Less Lonely Girl?!" Ava asked as we pulled into the street. I smiled, "It was amazing. I mean its something you can't describe, there's no word for it. It felt like a dream come true to be up there having him sing to you. Having him touch your face with his fingers. being able to look in his eyes. I guess you could call it magical." I say as I lay my head back and smile as I look out the window.

We soon pulled into our drive way. We were all so tired from dancing and singing all night so we all agreed to go to bed. The next morning we all woke up and decided we were hungry. We made our way down stairs and sat at the table and waited for mom to finish cooking breakfast. "So girls how was the concert last night?" She asked as she handed us all a plate full of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. We all smiled as we remember the night before.

"It was perfect!" Ava said as she stuffed her face full of bacon. "It was amazing. I've never had so much fun in my entire life until last night." Monica said. My mom smiled and looked at me,  "Well Mya how was the concert for you?" I smiled before answering "It was.... magical!" She laughed, "How so?"

"Oooo can I tell her? Please let me tell her!!" Begged Ava. I chuckled and nodded my head yes. As Ava told mom all that happened we finished eating. "Wow. Mya sounds like you had a great time last night. Getting to have Justin sing to you." My mom said as she started cleaning off the table. All I could do was smile. "Yeah. It was amazing Mom!" I said as I got up. "Well I'm gonna go shower now." I said as I ran up the steps to my room.

I jumped in the shower and when I was done Monica was in my room sitting on my bed. "Heyy you wanna use my shower?" I asked her as I walked to my closet and got a change of clothes. "Nahh I'm good. Ill shower when I go home." She said as I walked out and sat beside her on my bed.

Ava's P.O.V.

I walked into the living room and sat down and turned on the tv. As I was sitting there watching Sam & Cat I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the door with a confused look. I wonder who that could be? Hmmm. I got up and headed for the door. "I got it mom!" I yelled as I opened the door. As soon as I opened the door my mouth dropped open and my eyes got big. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of my door.

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