Chapter Twenty Five

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I closed the car door before slowly making my way up to the front door. I turned and looked to see if Justin was still there, he was. I smiled and waved a final goodbye before opening the door and stepping inside. I took a deep breath and headed upstairs to my room. I closed the door and flung my bag onto the bed before walking over to my closet and finding a nice big and baggy t-shirt and some pj shorts.

I quickly undressed and threw on my comfy clothes before walking out into the hall and heading over to Ava's room. I gently knocked on her door and waited for her permission before entering. "Oh hey Mya! How was the lunch with Justin and his family?" Ava asked as she sat up from her laying position and set her tiger beat magazine down and looked up at me.

I smiled remembering everything that happened, from me and Justin making out in his dads bathroom to him asking me to be his girlfriend. I walked over to Ava's bed and sat down across from her. "It went amazing up until the point where Justin and Jeremy got in this huge fight." I said as I picked up her magazine and flipped through the pages. I heard her gasp before the magazine was soon ripped out of my hands.

"They fought?! Tell me every juicy detail!" Ava squeaked as she started to bounce up and down on her bed. I chuckled before reaching over and laying my hand on her lap, hoping that it would settle her down. "I'll tell you but only if you promise me two things." I say as I look into her eyes.

She nods her head furiously up and down which makes my smile grow even bigger. "Okay first you cant tell anyone what I'm about to tell you and second you have to stay calm through the whole thing or I'll stop." I say as I look at her making sure she knows I'm serious. "Okay, okay I promise Mya! Now spill the beans women!!" Ava says as she gets even more excited.

I quickly crossed my legs into an Indian style, (criss cross applesauce style) before starting. "Okay well when we first got there I was all nervous and scared that they wouldn't like me but Justin calmed me down and reassured me that they would love me. And as we were walking in Justin introduced me to Jeremy as his girlfriend and I was shocked because he never asked me to be his girlfriend, and I didn't think he would want to date right away. I was going to talk to him about it once we walked in but then Jazzy and Jaxon ran in and they wanted to play. And after awhile Erin said to wash up so I went to the bathroom and Justin followed me and we ended up having this really amazing, heated make out session and I kinda gave him a boner *chuckles* but anyways we soon ate and then after that Justin asked me to go on a walk and he ended up taking me to the park,  where he there asked me to be his girlfriend. I of course said yes and he kissed me again and then all of a sudden we were surrounded by paps! They started screaming random things at us as we ran away. Once we got away Justin asked if I was alright and stuff and then he checked if it was clear to go, once it was we walked back to Jeremy's where they were all waiting. Not to mention they were all extremely mad because we didn't tell them we were leaving. And that's when Justin and Jeremy had the big fight. And after that Justin brought me home." I say quickly trying to fit it all in in just one breath.

I looked up at Ava to see she had her mouth hung open and her eyes were huge! I chuckled at her reaction to everything.  "Oh. My. God. Justin asked you to be his girlfriend?! Ahh!! Omg Mya that's amazing!! And the whole boner thing? Dang girl get it!!!!!!" She said as she started bouncing up and down on the bed again. I just laughed.

"I know I still cant believe he asked me to be his girlfriend. I mean in the car he told me that I was one of the best things in his life right now." I said as I looked up at her. "Well Mya, you are one lucky girl." Ava said as she reached over and laid her hand on my thigh. "Yeah I guess I am." I said as a smile spread across my face. I look down at my legs as I feel my cheeks begin to heat up as the blush spreads across my face.

"Awhh Mya your blushing!" Ava says as she pokes my cheek. I laugh as I quickly swat her hand away from my face. "Stop will ya!" I say as a smile spreads across my face. She chuckles as she sits back against her head board, "So are you gonna tell me what the paps were screaming at you two?" She asks as her smile is still there. My face soon falls remembering what they said, charity case, selena.

"Hello earth to Mya? Are you in there?" I hear Ava say as she waves her hand in front of my face. "Oh just stupid little stuff that wasn't true. " I say as I quickly change my face expression, faking a smile. "Like they always do?" Ava says as she gives off a disgusted chuckle before standing up and walking over to her movie collection. "Wanna watch a movie?" She asks as she turns her head towards me.

"Uh no maybe some other time Ava. I'm actually really tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed." I said before standing up and quickly heading to my room.


Hey guys sorry that's its been so long since I've updated! I've just had a rough summer, a lot of things happened and I was really busy. But I'm back now! (: Anyways sorry for the sucky chapter. I know it wasn't important but it kinda helps out with the next chapter. I'm gonna try and update a lot more when I have free time. School starts in two days for me and I'm gonna be hella busy since I'm a senior. I know the last couple chapters have been boring but please bare with me. Trust me its about to get really interesting. Please keep reading, and I would love if you guys could vote more and maybe comment? You don't have to I just love hearing what you have to say.

Okay well I'm gonna go start the next chapter and hopefully have it update for you guys soon! Bye. (:

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