Chapter Eight

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Mya's P.O.V

"And I kinda wanted to ask you a question." I heard him say. I was in shock, I mean who wouldn't be? I look away from his deep brown eyes and then looked back. I don't know but something about his eyes just made me want to stare into them all day. I finally spoke up "Yeah? Okay." I said as I fiddled with my fingers waiting for him to speak. He cleared his throat, "Well I know that I just met you and all but I was kinda wondering if you maybe wanted to grab a bite to eat later or something?" He asked as a light pink appeared on his cheeks. Awwhh!!! He was blushing. I smiled.

He looked up at me and awaited my answer. I though for a second. What could happen if I said yes? What would everyone think? And if it did turn into something how will we even see each other? I mean he's Justin Bieber. He's busy touring and making music. Wait! Mya its just dinner you don't even know if it will turn out to be anything serious. 

He cleared his throat once  again before speaking, "I'll take that as a no then." He got up and started walking towards my bedroom door. "Justin wait!" I said before I could even stop my mouth from opening. He quickly turned around and looked at me with hopeful eyes. Did he want me to say yes? "Yeah?" He said as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I would love to grab a bite to eat or something with you." I said as I stand up. His face lit up with a huge smile on his face. "Alright cool. I'll uh pick you up around 7-ish?" He asked. "Sounds great!" I said.

He smiled and turn on his heel and begin to walk to the door again but then turned around "I uh forgot to um give this to you." He said as he chuckled and handed me the white envelope, filled with the pictures for the concert. "Thanks." I say as a huge smile spreads across my face. "Well see ya then!" He said as he turn and walked out my bedroom door. "Bye." I said as he walked out and passed my sister and Monica. I couldn't contain my smile.

As soon as Justin walked out of my bedroom I ran over to my window and watched as he walked down my driveway to is black Range Rover and climb in and drove away. I could not believe that I, Mya Clare Clarkson had a date with Justin Drew Bieber. I sat there and stared out the window for about 5 minutes before my sister and Monica barged in and started asking a ton of questions. "WHAT DID JUSTIN WANT?" "I CANT BELIEVE JUSTIN FREAKING BIEBER WAS IN YOUR ROOM MYA!!" "OMG OMG TELL US WHAT JUSTIN WANTED!!" Were just some of the things that they were screaming at me.

I laughed and went and laid down on my bed. I looked up at my ceiling and was smiling like a little kid on Christmas. I felt my bed sink down and I soon seen my sisters face in mine, "SOOO Mya what did Justin want?" I smiled up at her and handed her the white envelope. She looked confused at the envelope before opening it. She pulled out all the pictures and her mouth dropped open.

 "YOU MET THE CREW?!" She screamed in my ear as she went thru the pictures. "WHAT?!" Monica soon yelled. Ava passed over the pictures so Monica could see them. "When? How?" Was all she could say. "You remember when I was the OLLG?" They both nodded. "Well when Allison came and got me to go back, we seen Pattie and Jermey playing with Jazzy and Jaxon. And I was freaking out because I couldn't believe my dreams were coming true all in one night. Pattie seen me and came and hugged me and started talking to me, so then Fredo came in and Pattie told him to take pictures of me and the crew so I could remember this night. As I was getting my picture taken with everyone, Justin then walked in off the stage and was like 'Hey where's my picture with this beautiful girl?' and he then gave me a hug and whispered into my ear 'Don't cry your to beautiful to cry sweetheart.' Then Fredo took our picture and I went on stage and Justin sang to me and then Allison brought me back." I said all in one big breath. They both stare at me with their mouth gaped open. "How come you didn't tell us?" Monica said. "Well  I was in shock. At first I didn't believe it actually happened. I still cant believe it happened." I said as I sat up and walked back over to my window.

"Well that doesn't explain why Justin wanted to talk to you alone." Ava said as she walked over and sat down on my window seat beside me. "Well he wants to grab a bite to eat later." I said. "OMG MYA JUSTIN ASKED YOU OUT!!!!!" They both screamed at the same time. All I could do was smile.

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