Chapter Thirty Six

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"Mya are you going to answer it?" Ashley asks me as she get's up out of her chair and walks over to me. I slowly shake my head, "I don't know what to say. I mean the last time I talked to him he was really mad and we got into a fight because I told him I didn't think we all needed to go back to Ohio. What if he is mad at me?" I ask, looking up at Ashley with a tint of fear in my eyes. She gently places a hand on my shoulder, "Well just answer it. I mean you'll never know. Maybe he is calling to see if you made it okay. But if he does happen to be mad then whats the worse that he can do? I mean your clear in Texas and he's in Ohio." She said as she gave me a sympathetic look before heading back over to her chair to finish doing her make up.

Yeah I guess she's right. I look down at my phone one last time before taking a deep breath, I quickly swipe the answer button. I lift the phone up to my ear, everything will be okay, I chant to myself before I answer. "Hello?" I say in a small soft voice. "Mya Rae Clark, you are very lucky that you are clear on the other side of the continent, because right at this very moment I am fuming with rage. How dare you go behind my back and do something like this. I am very disappointed in you young lady. I'm not going to yell and scream at you, but just know I thought better of you and I would have never thought you would do something like this. Just so you know when your Aunt Jody gets better I will be flying out on the first flight to wherever you are and bring you home. Your mother seems to be highly okay with you pulling a stunt like this but I am not. Since there is nothing I can do about it now have fun while you can because once you are home are so grounded. Don't forget to keep in contact with your Mom and your sister. I love you and be safe." He said surprisingly calm. I was quiet for a moment.

"What about you? Don't you want me to call you and check in?" I ask in a whisper with tears swelling up. I never thought me doing this would cause him so much disappointment. I never wanted that. I just wanted to be free and live and go on a crazy adventure. He takes a deep breath before answering, "I'm afraid that if you call I will just blow up, and I don't want to do that. So no just call your mother and sister. I have to go now, be safe." And with that he hung up. I clung to my phone like it was the only thing giving me life. Soon the tears took over and fell down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"Mya? Mya breath!" I heard Ashley say as she rushed over to me. I didn't even know I was holding my breath. I took a deep breath in as I dropped my phone to the ground. I felt my knees wobble. I need to sit down. I fell back onto the bed. I blinked away a couple tears. Ashley crouched down to my level and brushed a fresh loose stands of hair out of my face. "Mya what did he say?" She asked softly.

I quickly wiped my eyes, I gently bit my lip. "He is disappointed in me and as soon as my Aunt gets better he's flying to wherever we are at the time and coming to get me and bringing me home." I say as I look down at my folded hands. Ashley lightly gasps and gently pulls me in for a hug. "That's not even the worst part. He doesn't even want me to call him. He said he doesn't want me to contact him because he's so mad." I say as the tears come again.

"Shh Mya it will be okay, I promise. Just give it a little time I'm sure he will come around. Just give him so time to calm down. I'm sure he didn't mean that. He's just upset." Ashley said as she pulled back to look at me. "You think so?" I ask as I try and wipe the tears away again. She smiles and nods, "Yes he probably just said it because he was hurt. I'm sure that once he hears all the fun your having from your sister that he, himself will want to hear all about it!" She said as she smiled a big smile at me. I smiled back, "Yeah your right! Gosh I probably look like a mess." I say with a light chuckle. Ashley gently wiped her thumbs under my eyes and wiped off the running mascara. "Nope you look beautiful!" She says as she gets up off the ground. I laugh as I stand up and fix the wrinkles in my clothes.

"Okay I'm all finished with getting ready, are you ready to go or do you need more time?" Ashley asks as she puts away her make up. I look up at her, "No I'm ready when ever you are." I say with a small smile. "Okay lets go then!" She said as she hoped up and bounced her way to the door. I chuckled as I grabbed my phone off the floor and quickly followed her to the door.

We are quietly making our way down the hallway to the elevator when I stopped Ashley. "Hey um Ashley can we keep what my dad said about coming to get me between just us two for now?" I ask a little hesitant. She smiles, "Yeah of course." And with the elevator dinged signalling that we can get on.

We exit the elevator on the lobby floor and make our way to the lounge where the whole crew is getting breakfast at. As soon as we enter through the doors Justin rushes up to us. "Are you okay?!" He asks me all worried. Ashley chuckles and I just look up at him, "Yes I am fine. Why are you asking me that?" I ask with a small smile. "You guys just took a really long time to get down here. I was worried something happened." Justin said as he leaned in and kissed my forehead. "C'mon are you hungry?" He asked as he grabbed my hand and lead us into the lounge. "Yes I'm starving!" I say as we get closer to the breakfast bar. I get really excited looking at all the food to choose from.

Justin and Ashley both laugh at my excitement behavior as we go through the buffet picking and choosing what we wanted. "Well looks like someone is hungry." Justin whispered into my ear as we headed to a table in the back. I filled my plated up with pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns. I lightly push him and he laughs as we reach the table. "Good morning baby how did you sleep?" Ryan asks Ashley as we sit down. "I slept good how about you?" She asks him as she leans over and gives him a quick peck before sitting down in between me and Ryan. "I slept great thanks baby!" He answered back.

As we begin to eat everyone falls into a small chit chat. I am half way through eating my pancakes and eggs when Justin leans over and taps me. I look over at him, "Did you ever hear from Ava?" He asks as he reaches for his orange juice. I stopped chewing my food, and just stare at him for a moment. I don't know what to tell him, I don't want to lie to him but yet I know if I tell him what my dad said he will get upset. I quickly finish chewing my food and swallow before speaking, "Yeah, but actually my dad called me when I got out of the shower." I say as I look away and reach to grab my apple juice. "Oh really what did he say? Was he mad?" Justin asks as he stops what he's doing to look at me. I quickly look over at Ashley as I take a drink of my apply juice, praying she could give me some mind reading advice as to how to answer. She shrugs her shoulders and gives me a hopeful non helpful look.

"He just said to be safe and that he loves me. And to also keep in contact with my mom and sister." I say as I set my cup back down. "Oh," Justin says as he furrows his eyebrows. "So was he upset?" He asks. I gently bit my lip, "I mean he wasn't exactly happy. He said there was nothing he could do at the moment so he told me to have fun." I say as I go back to eating my eggs trying to avoid Justin's eyes. It was quiet for a moment before I felt Justin's lips on my temple, "Well I'm glad that it went well. And fun is what you will have while you are with us!" He said as he went back to eating.

As we all finished eating we laughed and chit chatted. As we got closer to finishing up and clearing our plates, Justin pulls me aside. "Mya I don't know what you are hiding from me, but I don't want to pressure you and I know that you will tell me when your ready. Just know that you can always come to me with anything. I won't judge you. You know that right?" He asks as he places his hands on either side of my face and looks deep into my eyes. All I can do is nod my head. He looks a me for a moment before leaning in and kissing my forehead. "Okay good. Today is going to be a busy day baby. I hope your ready for the on tour life." He says as he pulls away and smiles down at me. I smile back, "I'm so ready Jay." "Good because I have someone very important I want you to meet today." He said as he grabs my hand and leads me back to the table to wait for Ashley and Ryan to finish eating.

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