Chapter 20

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Heres Chapter 20 for yous and i hope yous enjoy!!! I accidently updated chapter 21 before so now im going to post both :) And im sorry i havent uploaded this story in a while, i was really stuck and had no idea what to write. Also i was in Melbourne for a week then i got sick. But i hope yous enjoy!


Mine (Justin Bieber)
Chapter 20

The next morning i woke up to Justin snoring in my ear. Like seriously Justin?

I groaned and pushed his face away from mine and stretching a little feeling a little pain from down below.

Last night was an amazing night...very amazing.

I got up and went to his bathroom to shower, after getting out i covered myself in my towel to find Justin laying in bed and he looked up at me and his eyes widening.

I couldnt help but blush by the look on his face, he looked so hot! His hair was all messy and no doubt he would have the sexiest morning voice.

"Morning Jas" Justin smiled while i saw his eye raking over every inch of my body, and yes i was right he had the sexy morning voice.

I smiled "Morning Justin" I said while grabbing my clothes and walking back into the bathroom to get changed.

Later that afternoon Justin dropped me back at my house, the rest of the day we had been sitting around watching movies and cuddling and kissing.

I smiled while walking into the house to see Ariana smirking at me "Have fun at Justin's"

I laughed "What are you even doing here?"

She shrugged "I was bored and was hoping you'd get back which you did" She smiled while walking over to me "So so did anything happen?"

I couldnt help but blush "Yeah..."

Her eyes widened "Tell me tell me!" Ariana smiled while looking at me "Did yous have sex?"

I blushed some more knowing that my face was probably the colour of a tomato "Yeah we did"

"Owww la la Jasmine" She said while wiggling her eyebrows "Did it hurt?"

I nodded "Oh yeah it did but after it was sooo good" I said while biting my lip.

She smirked "Well lucky you" She laughed while getting up and walking into the kitchen with me "Just dont ditch me all the time, remember chicks before dicks"

I nodded "Dont worry that wont happen Ari" I smiled


Sorry for not uploading for ages guys. But i hope it was alright.

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