Chapter 9

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Hey guys heres Chapter 9 for yous and i hope yous enjoy :) And also the picture of Justin & Jasmine is NOT my edit, i just found it on the internet


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 9

I walked down onto the oval with the rest of my p.e class. Today we were playing soccor, great..i hate this sport.

Id rather play a sport like volleyball..i guess thats a decent sport.

I sighed while walking over to the side, the only person i really knew was Justin. But he was too busy flirting with the girls and talking with the guys.

You see i didnt really have friends. I only had Ariana and she was my bestfriend. I didnt really get along with other people, they just didnt seem to like me. Maybe im a bit weird for them.

I sighed while kicking the grass. I hated being a loner in class.

I looked up to see the teacher watching me, i groaned knowing he wanted me to start participating in class.

I saw the ball coming my way and felt my eyes widen and i kicked the ball quickly.

I heard a yelp and my eyes quickly looked up to see Barbara groaning in pain. 

Well she kinda deserved it, but me being the nice person i walked over to her "Oh..are you alright?"

She looked up at me and glared "NO! Im not alright. Sir! She kicked the ball at me"

My eyes widened, i didnt even mean to kick the ball at her, i wasnt even looking when i kicked it. I just wanted it to stay away from me.

The teacher looked at her "Barbara, i was watching with my own two eyes and Jasmine did not mean to kick the ball at you. She wasnt even looking when she kicked it"

I smiled slightly, this teacher was always nice to me.

Barbara glared at me "Are you serious sir! You saw her kick the ball at me"

The teacher sighed and looked at Barbara "Barbara i think its best if you goto the first aid and get some ice on that too" He smiled slightly at her.

She groaned "Fine..whatever sir" She said while stomping off like a little child.

I couldnt help but laugh a little. She obviously wanted me to get into trouble but luckily i have a nice teacher that likes me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Justin standing there.

I bit my lip slightly not knowing what to say. He's never come up to me at school before infront of people. So i was a little shocked because he has a reputation to keep up and being seen with me wouldn't be good.

He smirked at me "Im pretty impressed with that kick you done" He said while laughing a little.

Gosh his laugh was beautiful. No Jasmine snap out of it. 

I looked at him "I swear i didnt aim at her. It was an accident"

He laughed "I know i know. I saw it all. You freaked when the ball came your way and you didnt even look when you kicked it"

I laughed a little embaressed "Yeah...."

He smiled "Well she kinda deserved it. Ariana told me how they've been trying to threaten you.."

I nodded and shrugged "Yeah..."

Just then the bell went for lunch. I walked over and picked my bag up and saw Justin standing infront of me.

I bit my lip, i always felt so nervous around him and it was starting to bug me. He has that effect on me when i dont know what to say when im around him. Sometimes im alright and can talk to him fine but other times i just freeze up.

I looked up at him due to our height difference "Justin? Uh..what do you w-want" 

I wanted to punch myself in the face when i noticed i stuttered. Why...oh why does this happen to me, cant i just be normal?

He smiled down at me "Your going to come hang out with me, i feel like McDonalds i know you like McDonalds, cause you and Ariana always eat it. So lets go"

I looked at him" B-But i cant skip. Theres still 1 class left Justin!"

I had never skipped class before...ever. My mum would kill me, and im too young to die.

Justin looked at me again "Come on Jasmine. It'll be better than going to Maths"

I groaned and looked at him "But..i cant skip school. My mum would kill me!"

I looked around to see everyone had gone to lunch so it was only us two on the oval.

He smiled at me and i wanted to melt right at that moment.

"Come on Jasmine, its better than maths and plus your mum likes me remember. So she'll be fine if her daughter is skipping to hang out with the boy that saved her"

I sighed. He was doing that super cute smile and i couldnt help but agree. Lets just hope mum doesnt kill me.

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