Chapter 5

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Hey! Heres Chapter 5 for yous :D And yay ive got 8 votes so far in this story woo! Hahah

Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 5

I smiled when I walked into my home with Ari, I could smell mums cooking and I could tell she had been baking a cake. Ariana was spending the weekend at mine, we decided to have a no boys weekend which meant none of her brother either. (Jasmine’s mum’s name is Jess just to remind yous)

We walked into the kitchen “Hey mum, the cake smells good. Which one did you make this time” I smiled while hugging her.

She smiled and hugged back “Well I made banana cake this time since I knew Ariana was coming over and that yous both loved Banana cake”

Ariana smiled and sat on the stool at the counter “I seriously love your banana cake Jess, it kinda makes me want to eat the whole thing cause its so good”

Mum couldn’t help but smile “Aw thank you Ariana, im glad you still love it”

Ariana laughed “You should see when mum tries making it, oh gosh its horrible! It doesn’t even taste like banana and she sometimes burns it. Mum just sucks at cooking”

Mum laughed again “Your mum isn’t that bad at cooking”

Ariana just shrugged and took a slice of the banana cake. I took a piece too, and it was amazing.

“So has anything been happening at school lately?” Mum said while washing up the dishes.

I nodded “All of year 12 are going on this trip to the Gold Coast, there still figuring out when to have it. But oh mum can I please go, please please pleaseeeeee” I said giving her the pouty face.

She looked at me and sighed “Alright, I guess”

I knew something was up so I turned to Ariana “Ill meet you up in my room okay”

She nodded and walked off to my room. I looked at mum “Whats wrong?”

She sighed and looked down “Its just stupid..”

I looked at her “Come on Mum, you can tell me. I wont think its stupid”

She looked at me “Its just you’ve never been away from me for more than 2 days ever since your father..passed.” She sighed while getting teary.

I quickly got up from my seat and walked over and gave her a hug. It was the hardest for her when dad passed. And its true, we’ve never been apart since. So I understand why she’s feeling like this.

“Mum im so sorry, i don’t have to go. Ill stay here with you” With that I hugged her tighter.

“No. Im just being stupid Jasmine. Im sorry, you can go” She said whipping away the tears.

I felt bad for her “Okay, but when we find out when it is ill make sure I call you every day mum” I smiled at her and kissed her cheek “Ill keep you updated”

She smiled “alright, now go. Ariana’s waiting in your room” She said while laughing a little. 

I smiled at her “Thank you mum” I said while smiling and walking off to my room and jumping onto my bed next to Ariana.

“Hey is your mum alright?” She said while putting her phone away

I nodded “She was just a little upset because of that school trip, I haven’t been away from her for a week since dad passed”

She sighed “We will make sure to ring her every night when were away”

I smiled and nodding agreeing with her "So i heard that Barbara and Vanessa are out to get me because they know Justin has an 'interest' in me" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Are you serious. I cant stand them..their just..ugh words cant describe how much i hate them...deadset" Ariana said while laying on her stomach.

"I really dont understand their problem with me though, im not popular im not pretty. Like seriously" I ran my hands through my hair.

She sat up and glared at me "Jasmine! You are not ugly, you are beautiful. Like seriously you have amazing hair, your tanned, you have a kinda big butt which guys like and you have big boobs too" She said while giggling slightly.

I smiled a little, i never get compliments like that. Only from Ariana and my mum. And sometimes from Josh but his comments were in a brotherly way.

"You know, your such a great friend" I smiled at Ari

She smiled back and flipped her hair "Oh i know" Then she laughed.

The rest of the night we ended up watching movies. First we started off with the latest Paranomal activity the marked ones. Really i hated those movies but everytime we have a girls night we start off with a scary movie then funny ones.

Then we watched She's the man, The proposal and then we went to sleep.

In the morning i woke up to Ariana snoring. I groaned and grabbed my pillow and threw it at her face. I heard a groan and then heard her mumble some words i couldnt understand.

I couldnt help but laugh. I sat up on my bed and looked out the window to see Justin and Josh shirtless in the pool next door. I couldnt help but watch Justin...those dam tattoos. I love it when guys have tattoos.

And his hair was all messy. Like seriously he is so hot! But why does he have to be a dam player.....


The next chapter will be a bit longer than the others cause ive already written it so i'll upload that one too soon :)

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