Chapter 17

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Hey guys heres Chapter 17 for yous :D im slowly getting through this story. And yay ive gotten to 1.6k reads and 94 votes :)! Thanks everyone!!!


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 17

At lunch time all of us Year 12's were told to goto the hall. We got told about the school trip we will be going on and its in a couple weeks time.

I seriously cant wait!

I smiled when walking with Ariana "I cant wait for this trip"

She smiled and nodded "Were going to have to put out names on the sheet so we can share a room"

I nodded "Yes! I dont want to be stuck with someone that hates me"

We made our way to the front of the office and put our names down on a sheet so we could share a room together on this trip.

I smiled while walking to our table "So i heard about you and actually pretty suprised though" Ariana said while taking a sip of water.

I nodded "I know, it actually suprised me too but i just like him so so much"

She smiled while nodding "Just be careful with him Jasmine, we all know what he's like and i dont want him to hurt you"

"Oh trust me i know what he's like, im smarter than that and if i dont feel comfortable nothing will happen" I said while taking a bite of a banana.

She smiled and nodded "Good, cause if he forces you i will kill him"

I laughed and nodded "Dont worry about it Ariana"

She nodded while she looked at me "I have to go to the drama room and practice for the performance, do you wanna come?"

I looked at her and shook my head "Nah i'll be fine"

She smiled and walked off while i walked to my table.

I sat there for a while by myself when Justin appeared, i smiled "Hey Justin"

He smiled "I saw you by yourself and thought i should come over"

I smiled at him "So are you keen for the school trip"

He nodded "Yeah it will be good to get out of here, plus ill get to see you in a bikini" He said while smirking.

I gasped and hit his arm "You are such a perv" I said while laughing.

"Hey your my girlfriend im allowed to" He said smirking.

"Nuh uhhhh" I said looking at him while smirking.

He laughed "Yuh uhhh" He said smiling and grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer.

I couldnt help but blush, i smiled and looked at him "Can i have some of your chicken?" I said while laughing a little.

He laughed "Only if i get a kiss first" He said while smirking.

I bit my lip and leaned in and kissed him, he kissed back and deepend it.

I pulled away and smiled and took some of his chicken.

Yes im obsessed with eating chicken.

"Your the cutest" He said while leaning in and kissing my cheek.

I blushes yet again. This boy had crazy effects on me.


Hope it was alright. :)

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