Chapter 4

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Hey guys heres Chapter 4 for yous and i hope yous enjoy :)


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 4


Its been a month and Justin has still been trying to get me to sleep with him. But its not going to happen.

Ive made that promise to myself that ill never sleep with a guy im not dating. Also I don’t want to get used by Justin and the next day he’ll completely forget me and stop talking to me and to be honest it will hurt like hell.

But at the same time I kind of enjoy the attention im getting from Justin. I know that sounds a bit bad but hey. Imagine the hottest guy in your school aka your crush playing attention to you.

I got out of bed and got ready for school. I had a quick breakfast and started walking to school. I was in a walking mood.

I heard footsteps behind me and started walking a little faster. I didn’t look back. You know what its like in those horror movies when your walking and you hear footsteps and you look back then BAM your dead. Yeah that’s why I didn’t look back, even though its daytime..

I then felt someone touch my shoulder, closed my eyes and my first reaction was to turn around and hit them so I did. I then heard a male groaning so I opened my eyes and saw it was Justin…opps.

“Oh god im sorry Justin” I said looking at him.

He groaned again “You sure can hit, ill tell you that”

I laughed a little “Sorry I thought you were a person that was going to kill me”

He looked at me and made a weird face “You do know its day time right?”

I nodded “Oh yeah I know that. But I watch a lot of horror movies so you gotta be careful you know”

He stopped groaning and slowly got back up and started walking with me “Thought you could do with some company to school”

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. You see he’s been walking with me to school lately but when we get to school he completely ignores me, as if im invisible.

“No thanks, im fine walking by myself. Plus you wouldn’t want to be seen with someone unpopular like me now would you Justin” I said while glaring at him and walking faster to get away from him.

“Come on Jasmine..dont be like this” He said while catching up to me.

I groaned loudly “Seriously Justin, go mess with some other virgin girl. Cause your not taking mine okay. And stop acting like you care about me when all you want is to get in my pants”

Even though I enjoyed all the attention he gave me, he only did because he wanted my v card..and no thank you.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him “Come on Jasmine, I do care about you. You’re a nice girl plus if I did hurt you Josh and Ariana would both kill me”

I laughed a little, it was true. Josh and Ariana wouldn’t let anyone hurt me because they would kill them. But then I thought back to Justin’s little game he plays on all the girls “Look Justin, don’t bother with me okay. You already know I like you and all that but I don’t want to get hurt by you” I said while walking off towards school again.

I just didn’t feel like dealing with Justin’s games and I was tired, and when im tired I get grumpy..its not the best.

When I got to school I saw Ariana waiting by the table, I walked up to the table and sat down while resting my head on the table. I just wanted to go home, stay in bed and sleep.

“Well looks like you got up on the wrong side of the bed Jas” Ariana laughed.

I groaned and lifting my head back up and putting my head in my hands “Its just Justin. Like when its just me and him he acts so flirty and nice but then when people are around he acts as if im imaginary. It kinda hurts you know…”


Hope it was alright

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