Chapter 12

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Hey people! Heres Chapter 12 for yous and i hope yous enjoy :)


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 12

Justin and I finally left the secret spot at about 5pm. After i had told him about Taylor he kept his arms around my waist while he made these really lame jokes about Taylor.

It made me laugh because the jokes were that horrible. He sucked at making jokes.

Justin parked his car in my driveway. I smiled at him "Thank you so much for today Justin, it was really nice"

He smiled and nodded "Its fine Jasmine, it was good to hang out with you. I'll see you tomorrow at school"

I nodded and got out of the car and when i made my way up the stairs i waved slightly at him and went inside.

I saw my mum laying on the couch watching tv. She asked me about what happened and i told her all of it, i told my mum everything.


Ever since that talk i had with Justin when we were at the secret spot he didnt speak to me again. Its been a month and he's been avoiding me completely.

The day after we hung out i went to school and saw him hanging around with all his guy friends. I went up to him and he pretended as if i was a nobody

*** Flashback ***

I smiled when i got to school and saw Justin talking with all his guy friends. I smiled and walked over to him "hey Justin"

He looked at me and made a weird face "Uh..sorry do i know you?" He said while looking at his friends.

I laughed, thinking he was joking around "Justin thats funny, but i was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school?" I said with hope in my voice.

He laughed "Sorry babe but i dont hang out with girls, i only fuck them" He said smirking and high fiving his friends.

I couldnt believe what he had said and i knew i had made a complete fool out of myself infront of all his friends. I felt like a complete idiot. I had trusted him, why am i always so stupid! He's such an ass! 

I looked at him and felt tears welling up in my eyes, i saw Josh standing next to Justin with his arms crossed and he looked angry. Maybe he was angry at Justin.

I heard Justin speak up again "Now run along sweetie, its pointless crying" He said while laughing with the rest of the guys.

I felt tears running down my face and before i knew what i was doing i had punched Justin right in the nose. My eyes widened in shock i cant believe i had just done that!

I saw Justin groan and hold his nose and saw the blood dripping.

So i quickly ran off out of the school, i got past the school and leaned against a wall feeling the tears rolling down my face, he acted as if i was one of his sluts!

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Josh standing there "Jasmine im so sorry he done that to you, i cant believe what an ass he's being. He deserved that punch" He said while hugging me.

After a while Josh and i had gone back to his car and he drove me home.

*** End of Flashback ***

I sighed remembering that day. Its official...I HATE JUSTIN DREW BIEBER.

I got into my new baby, it was a late birthday present and mum had saved up all her money to buy me a car, she had always said that she would buy my first car. It was a bright pink Toyota Yaris. It was a beautiful car.

I got into my car and drove to school and parking it in the student car park. I rolled my eyes when i saw Justin sitting in his car making out with Vanessa...Gross!

I got out of my car and walked into the school, all the guys stopped and stared. You see ever since Justin started ignoring me i chose to start dressing differently. Ive started to dress more...girly. You see i use to just dress in skinny jeans and long jumpers and runners. 

(picture of what she's wearing at the top)

I smiled when i saw Ariana, she had been away for a week visiting other family members. "Ariana, god i missed you!" I said while hugging her tightly.

She smiled "I missed you so much too! And look at you Jasmine, i cant believe the day has come...your finally wearing more girly clothes"

I laughed "Well i went shopping and i got sick of wearing skinny jeans and baggy shirts or jumpers and runners all the time"

She smiled "Im so happy. Now we can actually go shopping with eachother. Girl wait till Justin see's you...he will be shocked"

I nodded "And if he tries talking to me i'll just ignore him"

She nodded "Good! Cause he's being a jerk, i mean seriously you tell him that secret then he says he'll be there for you then he ignores you and acts like your nobody. Like no, he needs a kick to the face" She said while crossing her arms.

I laughed slightly "Okay, calm down Ari"

She nodded and sighed "Sorry it just makes me so angry that he can be that low, the other day when he came over i kicked him in the balls for you"

I laughed and hugged her "Your seriously my best friend! I love you Ari!"

I heard someone cough from behind me so i turned around and saw Taylor standing there. My eyes widened in fear, he was back.


Owwww Taylor is back :0

Hope the chapter was alright :)

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