Chapter 19

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Heres Chapter 19 for yous! I hope yous enjoy. And WARNING! This Chapter will have sexual things in it so if yous dont like it it dont read it. But i will put a warning before it happens.


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 19

It was late at night and I had just gotten out of the shower and into some cute pj's. Now Justin and I had been watching a movie and I could see him looking over at me but looking at my lips, so i looked back at him "Yes Justin?" I smirked while looking  at him.

He looked at me "You know what im thinking babe" He smiled

I bit my lip and sat on him so i was stradling him, by the look on his face i knew he liked this.

He smiled putting his arms on my waist while i leaned in to kiss him, he deepend the kiss which made my stomach feel like it had millions of butterflies in it.

**Warning this part will contain sexual things**

Things got heated pretty fast but Justin pulled away and looked at me, i bit my lip and whispere in his ear "Im ready Justin" 

I saw his eyes go wide and then he smiled "Yes!" He said while running his hands down to my ass and putting them inside my pants. He looked at me while smirking "Your wearing a thong..thats sexy baby" 

He smirked while flipping us over so he was on top, he took his top off showing his six pack and all those tattoos.

I could help but stare at him. He smiled when he noticed i was staring, he hovered over me leaving little kisses down my neck as I let out some quiet moans.

He quickly took off my pj top staring at my chest and then quickly unhooked my bra and throwing it to the ground.

I saw him staring at my breasts and i quickly covered them with my arms feeling self concious, i've never been with a guy in this way before. I was really nervous.

Justin looked down at me "Jasmine, dont be nervous. Your beautiful" He smiled while kissing me softly on the lips then running his hands down my stomach to my pants and pulling them off, then the thong.

I blushed feeling completely exposed. He kissed me softly then took his pants and briefs off.

And i couldnt help but stare at the size of his. How the hell does that even fit?!

He looked down at me again "Are you sure you want to do this Jasmine?"

I nodded not knowing what to say.

"Its going to hurt for a while, if it gets too much just tell me to stop and i wil baby" He said grabbing the condom from the side cabnit and sliding it on his length.

I suddenly got really nervous, he's so experienced and im not.

He must have noticed and ran his thumb over my cheek "Jas, are you sure you want too?"

I nodded "y-yeah"

"Hey whats wrong" Justin said looking down at me.

I looked at him "It's just...your so experienced and im not. You've had sex with lots of girls"

He looked down at me "Were not having sex, im going to make love to you babe. I've never done this before so it'll be a first for both of us"

I smiled a little feeling a bit better about it "Okay, im ready"

Placing the tip at my enterance he slowly started to push himself inside of me, i bit my lip feeling the pain he was talking about "Ah! Justin" I said in pain.

"Ah, fuck. Your so tight tight" He groaned in pleasure.

I bit my lip, he finally pushed himself all the way in and he looked down at me "Are you alright?"

I nodded slightly "It just..hurts so bad"

"I promise it will feel better Jas" He looked down at smiled.

He slowly entered me again and it wasnt as bad as it was before. I looked up at Justin and saw his face full of pleasure.

Feeling the pain disapear i then felt the pleasure, i bit my lip running my finger nails down his back.

I moaned out when i felt him moving in and out of me, no wonder why so many people do this alot.

"Let it go babe" Justin whispered in my ear while leaving small kisses down my neck.

I moaned loudly when i felt myself realease and then him after me.

"Ah...Fuck" Justin moaned.

He got up and took the condom off and throwing it into the trash.

He picked up his briefs putting them back on the grabbing my bra and thong for me while i put them back on.

He got into bed and pulled the covers over us while pulling me closer "How was that? Are you alright" He said looking down at me.

I nodded and smiled up at him "It was Justin, im happy you were my first"

He smiled and kissed me "I love you"

I blushed like crazy, it was the first time he had said it "I love you too" 

He smiled "Now lets get some sleep" He said while pulling me closer and us both falling asleep.

Right now everything was perfect.


Hope it was was kinda weird writing that too. And thanks to everyone that reads this and votes and comments!!! :)

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