Chapter 11

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Hey guys so i felt like being really nice and uploading another Chapter for yous!!! So i hope yous enjoy xx. And also all of the pictures of Justin & Jasmine are NOT my edits, i just found it on the internet.


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 11

Justin looked at me "Hey whatever happened between you and Taylor? One day yous were dating and the next he ended it"

I looked at Justin when he asked me the question i absolutely hated, it was about my ex Taylor. Taylor and I had started dating at the start of grade 11. All the girls use to be jealous of me because i got to date Taylor, one of the hottest guys in the school, thats why litterally everyone hates me.

Whe we first started dating everything was perfect. I hadnt been happier, we dated about 8 months. Taylor use to be abusive with me, it started about 2 months in. He got angy at me because i wouldnt have sex with him. Its a scary thing for me and i wanted to make sure i loved him before he took my virginity.

No one ever knew about him abusing me. The only person that knew was my mum because she would see all my bruises. She told me multiple times to end it with him. But to be honest i was too scared to. Who knows what he would have done to me.

I went through 6 months of being abused. I never told anyone but my mum because i knew the wouldnt have believed me.

Taylor and my relationship was very different. There would be days he'd be the sweetest guy in the world and make me feel like i lived the most amazing life with him but then other days he'd get drunk and hit me and if i refused to have sex with him he'd hit me several times and go around smashing everything. After a while of his hittings, i got use to the pain.

After the 8 months he got sick of me and not being able to take my innocents away so he dumped me.

And that had been the best day of my life.

I sighed and looked back at Justin "Uhmm....its a long story"

Justin nodded "Cause yous use to go everywhere together and then all of a sudden he treats you like shit"

I nodded "Yeah"

He looked at me "You dont have to tell me its use to be pretty popular and now everyone treats you like shit"

I sighed and looked at him "If i tell you, you promise not to tell one what so ever okay"

He nodded "Im good at keeping secrets"

I looked at him "I dont even know why i trust you not to tell anyone..its just i really need to get it off my chest. Ive only told my mum and i told Ariana a small version of it"

He looked at me with worried eyes "He didnt you know..rape you?"

I quickly shook my head " never got that far"

He sighed in relief "Okay you can continue"

I looked at him "Well as you know Taylor and i started dating at the start of Grade 11, everything was going so perfect. 2 months in and he started getting angry because i would refuse to you know...have with him. He started getting angry because i didnt want to, i wante to save it for someone i loved. It was my first relationship and because of him im afraid of having a boyfriend again because of how he treated me" I sighed and looked down.

I heard Justin speak up "Its alright, you dont have to tell me anymore Jasmine"

I shook my head and looked up at him "No, i can keep going. So 2 months in he got angry because i refused to have sex with him so he hit me, i remember the first time i was so shocked that i locked myself in the bathroom and cried myself to sleep. I know i was a bit of a baby for doing that but it freaked me out that it could happen again and it did. Everytime id refuse he'd hit me. Once he got so annoyed at me he repeatedly punched me making me fall to the ground and he kicked me several times in the stomach. I put up with that for 6 months, i was too scared to break up with him because i thought he might do worse but the day he dumped me was the happiest day of my life" I said looking down and feeling the tears roll down my face.

I heard him move next to me and i felt his arms wrap around my waist and heard him whispering to me "He's not here to harm you anymore Jasmine, he moved away so theres no reason to worry about him anymore.Its alright Jasmine, im here for you, whenever you need me ill be there."

I nodded slightly and leaning in a little more to hug him, it felt nice to have someone comfort me.


I hope it was alright guys :) 

Please comment and tell me what yous think!

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