Chapter 15

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Heres the next Chapter for yous, i literally spend every day writing ahha i really dont have anything to do since i cant find a job yet -.- but yeah hope this is alright. And im almost at 1k reads :0 yay!!!!


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 15

I smiled when we walked into yoghurt land...i litterally wanted to drool.

I smiled at Justin "Im obsessed with youghurt" I said while walking over and grabbing a bowl that was the biggest but it wasnt very big at all. I smiled and got the mango flavoured one and the macadamia flavoured one. I walked over to all the lollies....hmmmm so much to choose from.

I smiled and got some sprinkles, clouds, sour worms, chocolate bits, small bits of cheesecake and some bits of chocolate brownie.

Mmmm so yum!

I smiled and looked at Justin "Shit, you have alot" Justin said while looking down at what i got.

I frowned "Are you calling me fat"

His eyes widened and i tried my best to keep and angry face on " dammit" Justin said stummbling for words.

I couldnt keep an angry face much longer because i burst out laughing "Im just joking with you Justin. I know i eat alot...but hah! You should have seen your face"

He shook his head and laughed "I thought you were serious, you looked so angry"

I smiled "Well im a good actor" I smiled and went to get money out to pay.

"Nuh paying for you today" Justin said while smiling and paying for me.

Now how sweet is that. A guy paying for one has ever done that for me before.

"Aw thank you Justin" I said while smiling and walking over to a table with him and taking a bit of a sour worm.

He laughed "Its nice to know a girl that actually eats. Im use to the girls that only eat salad" He said while rolling his eyes.

I laughed "Oh i know. The only way ill eat salad is if it has chicken in it. But im a huge food lover"

He smiled at me "So whats your favourite food?" He said while taking a bit of his youghurt.

I thought for a little "Anything with chicken. Im kinda obsessed with chicken. What about you Justin, whats your favourite food" I said while looking at him.

He laughed "Pizza, i love pizza"

I smiled "Good choice Justin...good choice"

After finishing our yoghurts we got back into Justins car and after a while of him driving we were in a place where no one else was. I looked at him "heyyyyy Justin"

He looked at me "Yes jasmine?"

I smiled "Can i drive your car?"

He looked at me "No"

Really justin really...thats not fair.

"Come on Justin pleaseeeeee" I said while smiling at him.

He looked at me and sighed "Do you even know how to drive a manual car?" 

I nodded "Yeah, my car is a manual thank you very much"

He sighed "Alright fine, but if you put one little scratch on my baby you will die" He said while looking at me.

"Oh woah, thats nice. Put a scratch on my baby you will die...geeze Justin calm down" I said while getting out of the car and getting into the drivers side on the right.

I smiled when i sat down "I wish i could have a car like this, well if i could have any car it would be a bright pink sports car" I smirked and looked at Justin.

He laughed "Yeah i could imagine that"

I smiled and put my seatbelt on, yes safety first. I pushed the clutch in putting the car into 1st gear. I slowly let out the clutch, pressed on the accelerator and off we went.

I smiled, this car was beautiful "OMG JUSTIN IM IN LOVE WITH YOUR CAR" 

He laughed "Im pretty impressed with your driving, i thought youd be shit..."

I gasped "Excuse me, im an alright driver, yes i stall the car every now and then but meh"

He laughed and i continued driving, Justin giving me directions of where to go. I smiled when i saw it was a beach. I seriously loved the beach.

I got out of the car handing Justin his keys back "That was really fun"

We both took our shoes off and walked down to the water. Justin put his arm around my waist while we stood there. I smiled when the water hit my feet, it was actually pretty cold.

I looked up at Justin and saw he was already looking down at me, i couldnt help but feel the blush creeping onto my face.

He smiled when i looked back up at him "I like that you blush alot when were together" Justin said and i could feel my cheeks heating up even more, i knew my face looked like a tomato right now...

After a little bit i felt my cheeks cool down and i looked back up at Justin "This has been such a good day Justin"

He nodded "It has, it went better than i thought. I uh...have something to ask you" He looked pretty nervous, normally im the nervous one so that made me happy.

I laughed a little "For once your the nervous one"

He laughed and looked down at me "Uh...i dont even know how to say this"

I looked at him, come on boy just spit it out.

He bit his lip "I...I really like you Jasmine. Ive never liked someone this much before. Thats part of the reason i didnt talk to you for a while, i was confused...really confused. And i wanted to know if you'd be my...girlfriend" He said while smiling nervously.

He seriously looked so adorable right now. I wanted to pinch his cheeks.

I smiled and blushed yet again "You know really like that" I smiled leaning up to kiss him.

He kissed back and i couldnt help but smile. When we pulled away i looked at him "You know Barbara will kill me..."

He shrugged "She'll just have to get over it"

I smiled at him "Wait! That means im your first girlfriend...i feel pretty dam lucky"

He smiled "You should...but i feel pretty lucky too" He said while leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips.

I could get use to this. He's mine now. 


Hope it was alright? Please comment and tell me what you think :)

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