Chapter 16

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Hey guys heres Chapter 16 for yous! Im not good at remembering things about Justin. I have the worst memory... And also i want to thank everyone thats reading this story! Ive gotten upto 1.3k reads and 86 votest!!! Thank you :) And enjoy.


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 16

I woke up the next morning to my mum shaking me "Oh come on Jasmine time to get out of bed"

I groaned and shook my head "You skipped yesterday and not today alright. Im going to have to have a serious talk with Justin. Im not alright with you missing school Jasmine" Mum said while running her hand through her hair.

I sat up "Mum its not just his fault, its mine too. I was having a horrible day yesterday and i just had to get away from there"

"Well im going to be seeing him alot more now because your dating him but i will have to have a word with him alright" Mum said and i nodded.

"Im sorry for skipping mum" I said while hugging her.

She sighed while heading to the door "Just dont do it again, i want you to get good grades and graduate"

I nodded, i felt bad cause i remembered i use to pinky promise with mum that i would never skip school and i have...twice.

Im a horrible child.

I quickly got out of bed, took a quick shower and got dressed into a cute outfit (picture up top)

After i finished getting dresses and doing my hair and putting a little make up on i walke downstairs to hear 2 voices talking. Mum and...Justin.

I smiled when i got into the room "Goodmorning"

"Morning hunny, i was just talking to just about how i dont want him to encourage you skipping anymore" Mum said while looking from Justin to me.

How embarrassing!

I blushed slightly and looked at mum "Hey i agreed to go with him, now we have to get to school"

Justin got up and looked at my mum "Well i promise not to let her skip with me anymore"

My mum nodded "You better keep that promise. Now you better go before your late. And Justin your welcome to come over any time but remember protection, i dont want my daughter to get pregnant this young" My mum said while walking out of the room.

I groaned and grabbed my keys and Justin followed me to my car. 

I was beyond embarrassed! I mean really, why in the world would she bring up the words protection and pregnant....oh gosh.

"Im so sorry about her, oh man i will kill her when i get home" I said while getting into my car and driving to school.

He laughed "Its alright, she's worried about you thats all"

I nodded "No more skipping school for me"

He looked at me "What was your dad like?" 

That was a pretty touchy subject for me. It still is...even though its been 7 years its still a tough thing to talk about.

He noticed i wasnt talking "Im an idiot, i shouldnt have asked you. Im sorry"

I shook my head "Its alright, i have to talk about it one day. My dad was the nicest man you could have known. He was so protective it was annoying but one day i told him i liked this guy and he just started crying because i was growing up so fast. He was amazing" I said smiling remembering that memory of when i told my dad i had liked that guy.

I saw Justin smile from the corner of my eye "I wish my dad was like that. Every since ive been little both my parents were more interested in their work then spending time with me. Thats why i had to move out..i was sick of being ignored"

I took a quick glance at Justin then back at the road "Im sure your parents love you Justin"

He shrugged and i parked in the school parking lot and got out with Justin "Well if your ever bored you can come over mine, and keep your thoughts G rated Justin"

He laughed and put his arm around me "You know me too well"

I nodded "Well we have known eachother since we were little but we never talked. And then in Year 8 you turned into the crazy horny boy that would flirt with every girl, even the teachers" I said while laughing.

He laughed "I remember everytime i tried a pick up line on you, you'd get so annoyed and storm off"

I laughed remembering that in year 8 "Your pick up lines were so horrible, you have no idea Justin" 

Justin laughed and put his arm around my waist while we walked into school earning gasps from people and seeing all the startes and the glares directed at me. I hate being the centre of attention.


Hope yous enjoyed.

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