Chapter 14

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Hey guys heres Chapter 14 for yous and i hope yous enjoy. Im really sad right now cause the Sydney Roosters lost (their my fav rugby league team) and yeah next week was gonna be the finals so im angry about that ahha. But anyways enjoy the story :)


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 14

I blushed like crazy when Justin pulled away from the kiss...i just wanted to kiss him more.

I couldnt help but smile when he leaned in again kissing me.

Things got pretty heated very fast, i felt his hand getting closer to the band of my pants and i gasped pushing him away.

"Justin this cant happen, god im so stupid!" I said while quickly getting up and grabbing my bag. 

I felt so dam stupid, im falling for his little tricks.

"No, Jasmine come on. I know how much you want all this" He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me back against him.

I bit my lip, no no no Jasmine stop. Dont fall for it.

"No Justin, you'll only use me and i dont want that god dammit" I said while taking a couple steps away from him and running  my hand through my hair.

Everyday i was falling deeper and deeper for him, even through for that whole month we were ignoring eachother i was trying to make myself hate him but what can i say i just keep falling deeper.

"Come on Jasmine, you know i dont do relationships...we could always be friends with benefits. Im sure i could teach you alot babe" He said while smirking and licking his lips.

He was trying to get me to fall for it, he was so dam sneaky!

"No no nooooo, but seriously Justin you cant expect me to do that. Were not even friends and your popular and im not. I dont get why your trying so hard!" I said while crossing my arms angrily and walking out quickly. 

** The Next Day **

I sighed while walking to school yawning. Last night was horrible to say the least! The people that live behind us bought these 2 new dogs and they wouldnt stop barking and i was about to go insanse.

I groaned and bumped into something hard making me fall back onto my butt. Oh great, excellent way to start the day.

I groaned loudly "You gotta be kidding me!"

I heard a laugh come from above me. I looked up to see the one and only Justin standing there..oh great just what i need, to embarrass myself infront of Justin.

"You wanna hand up or are you gonna sit on the ground for the rest of the day?" He said while laughing and holding his hand out.

I sighed and put my hand out to his and he helped me up "This is just not my day today"

He laughed "I can tell, because your clothes are on inside out"

I groaned once again "Seriously, this really isnt my day today" I said while walking back towards my house.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Justin following me "Hey, who said you could follow Bieber"

He quickly caught up to me "Lets ditch school and hang out instead"

I looked at him taking a while to think about it "Mmmm...i guess so, i just need a day off because im tired and grumpy and im gonna poison the dogs behind my house!" I said while walking up the stairs to the house

I heard Justin laughing from behind me "Yeah you really need a day off"

I nodded "Make yourself comfy. I need to put my clothes on the right way" I said while walking upstairs and into the bathroom.

After i finished fixing clothes and checking in the mirror to make sure they were on the right way i walked out and heard noises coming from my room.

I raised and eyebrow and walked into my bedroom to see Justin going through my underwear draw.

My eyes almost poped out of my head "YOU PERV!" i said while running over to him and snatching a pair of lacy panties out of his hands 

"Hey hey, i couldnt help myself" He said while raising his hands in surrender.

I shook my head "YOUR NASTY" I couldnt help but laugh, he looked so innocent kinda like a little boy.

"What are you laughing at?" Justin said while raising and eyebrow.

"Im sorry...its just when you done that you kinda looked like a little was kinda adorable" I said while laughing.

"Woah hold up there babe...I am not adorable. Im more like the sex god" He said while smirking and flexing his muscles.

I felt like i was gonna drool.....

"Im just gonna ignore that. So what do you have in mind for today Justin?"

He shrugged "We'll just make it up on the way"

"OW OW I KNOW! Yoghurt land" I said while smiling loudly.

He laughed and shook his head "Your like a child"

I gasped "Hey! I am not" I said while poking my tongue out at him

He laughed again "That just prooved my point" He said while smirking.


Hope yous enjoyed. Also please check out my new story 

Nothing Like Us (Jelena) :)

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