Chapter 1

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Hey guys I just want to let you know that in this story none of the characters are famous in this story, there just normal people in this one :)


Mine (Justin Bieber)
Chapter 1

Jasmine’s POV 
I woke up in the morning to my mum knocking on the door loudly “Come on Jasmine its time to get up. It’s the first day back at school”

I sighed loudly “Mmm yeah ill get up soon mum”

“Well don’t take forever because im going to be making bacon and eggs so hurry up” mum said and then I heard her walk off.

My mum was beyond the best. It was extremely hard for mum and I when dad’s death happened. It was even harder for her because her and dad had been Bestfriends since they were babies and then the typical cliché thing happened of them falling in love with each other at the age of 18. Mum had me when she was 20. After dads passing mum and I became a lot closer, she done everything she could for me and spoiled me like crazy. She loves cooking and I always have amazing meals. She really is the best.

I got up out of my warm comfortable bed and grabbed my clothes I picked out last night. Yeah I like to have my clothes organised the day earlier.

I walked into the bathroom, got changed, put some makeup on but only a little then done my hair.

I qickly walked downstairs had breakfast said goodbye to mum and walked over next door to Arianas house and knocked and waited.

Ariana soon opened the door with a wide smile like always “Hey, took you long enough to get here” She laughed while we walked upstairs to her room.

I sat on her bed and she smirked at me “You’ll never guess who Josh has become Bestfriends with over the holidays”

I shrugged and looked at her and she spoke again “ in your biggest crush” she smirked while nudging me.

I blushed a little “Wait so that means he’ll be coming here a lot?”

She nodded and smirked “He’ll most likely be staying a lot too. So I guess he’ll finally notice you”

I nodded a little. You see at school Justin only notices the popular girls, anyone else he doesn’t even bother with. “Looks like ill be coming over yours more often” I laughed.

She smirked while grabbing her bag and her keys and heading to her car and driving to school.

When we got to school we immediately went over to our table. Everyone here has certain tables. I heard all of the popular girls giggling then looking to the left I saw Justin walking into the school.

I couldn’t help but watch him. He was so good looking and with those tattoos makes him look even more attractive. I liked guys with tattoos.

Then I saw his eyes catch mine. I bit my lip slightly, his eyes were so so nice and memorizing.

You see Justin is that type of guy that all the girls obsess over. He’s dreamy, hes got the most amazing jawline, his eyes are a beautiful brown and those tattoos. He’s so dreamy..oh gosh I need to stop obsessing.

I quickly snapped out of it and turned back to Ariana “Just look at all those girls”

Ariana nodded “Its gross that he’s had sex with all the popular girls, new rumour this week about Justin is that at his party he had a threesome with Vanessa and Barbara. I mean seriously that boy needs to calm down and get a girlfriend”

I nodded, Ari is right. I mean all those popular girls sleep with tons of guys from this school. Any one of them could have some kind of disease.

“ single” I laughed

Ariana laughed too “He needs a girl like you. Nice, sweet and innocent” She said while smirking.

I blushed “Shhh what if people hear you!” It was embarrassing that I was 17 and still a virgin, but im waiting to get a boyfriend that I love and then that might change.

Ariana looked at me “You know Justin loves taking away the innocents of girls like you” She smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.

I don’t think so.


I hope it was alright. The first couple chapter will probably be boring but itll get better

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