Chapter 7

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Hey guys heres Chapter 7 for yous. Im sorry if i make mistakes in this but the thing i use to write them doesnt have spell check. Hope yous enjoy :) And also the picture of Justin & Jasmine is NOT my edit, i just found it on the internet


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 7

The next morning i woke up to my mum trying to wake me up. I groaned slightly and opened my eyes. I smiled slightly at her "Morning mum"

She smiled "Good morning honey, how did you sleep last night?"

I looked at her "I kept waking up but then finally got to sleep" i smiled slightly.

She sighed while looking at me "I was so worried last night, i didnt know where you were and you left your phone at home. And then i heard a knock on the door and Justin was carrying you and i was so worried but happy at the same time because you were back" She said with tears rolling down her face.

I got teary too and hugged her tightly "Im so so sorry mum, im so sorry"

After a while of hugging i spoke up again "I promise it'll never happen ever again mum" 

She nodded and pulled away looking at me again "Im just so happy Justin was there to stop that horrible boy! I just can believe somebody would do that"

I nodded and looked at her "Im still sorry for scaring you last night"

She shook her head "Dont be honey" she smiled while looking at me "Now Justin's downstairs, do you want him to stay or come back later?"

"Uhm..he can stay, ill just have a shower and get dressed. I still feel gross from last night" 

Mum nodded and went back downstairs. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and a baggy janoskians shirt. I had a quick shower, got out and tied my hair in a messy bun, got changed and walked downstairs.

I heard mum and Justin talking about last night but it stopped once i walked in the room. I smiled slightly and sat in one of the chairs.

I saw them looking at the bruises on my face, you see before when mum was in my room it was dark because i had my curtains closed.

But now i was in the kitchen and it was very bright outside. I sighed "I know, my face looks horrible.."

Justin sighed and looked at me "I swear if i ever see that guy around i might just kill him" He said while shaking his head.

I nodded "Id like to see something happen to him" I said while grabbing a bag of frozen peas and wrapping a tea towel around it and placing it against my cheek.

"Well i have to go out and buy some groceries, Justin do you mind looking after Jasmine for me" My mum said while smiling at Justin.

I gasped "MUM! Im 17 and i can stay home alone, i dont need to be babysat"

She shook her head while grabbing her keys "I know you can stay home alone Jasmine, its just after last nights incident im just worried about you. Thats all"

I sighed "Alright.."

Justin smiled and nodded "Im fine baby sitting her" He said while laughing

I gasped "Hey!"

Mum laughed "I dont know how long i'll be but ill also bring back some lunch" She smiled and walked out.

I looked at Justin and he looked at me "What?" i said while looking at him.

"That guy had a pretty strong punch. If only i got there earlier, then all of that wouldnt have happened" He said while shaking his head.

I shook my head "Justin, dont blame yourself alright. I shouldnt have been so stupid to go to the pizza place at night"

He nodded "Well atleast your alright. That guy could have done something worse. But its good i got there in time"

I smiled "Yeah, im extremely lucky you were there to stop him"


Hope that was alright. Sorry they sometimes arent very long. 

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