Chapter 6

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Hey! Heres Chapter 6 for yous. I wrote it a couple days ago and thought i should post 2 chapters (5 & 6) so i did :) And also the picture of Justin & Jasmine is NOT my edit, i just found it on the internet.


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 6

It was at about 7 at night when Ariana went back to hers. Mum was busy at work and i didnt feel like making food and i really wanted pizza. It was only a couple blocks down the road from my house so i decided to walk.

It was a bit chilly outside so i put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black jumper that was abit baggy.

I grabbed some money from the jar in the cupboard. This money was for if mum wasnt home and i needed fuel or food.

I made sure to lock all the doors and close all the windows then grabbed my keys, locked the front door behind me and started walking down the street.

You see where i live its a bit quiet. So when i go walking its nice and peace ful.

I got to the end of the street to see someone walking on the other side of the road. I shrugged it off. He's probably doing the same thing as me. Getting takeaway cause they cant be bothered cooking.

I put my hand in my pocket looking for my phone. I couldnt find it. Are you serious. What if someone tries ringing me. Or what if mum rings.

I sighed and kept walking and looked to my left to see the other person but i couldnt. He must have been walking to his house.

I smiled when i saw the pizza place. But my smiled soon faded when i heard footsteps behind me. I gasped quietly starting to think of all the horrible possibilities that could happen.

I quickly fastened my pace, tears forming in my eyes. The person was getting closer and closer by the second.

I froze once i felt a hand grab mine. The hand was huge compared to mine. I opened my mouth to scream but another hand went over my mouth. 

I tried screaming but nothing came out.

I felt my feet being dragged along the ground. I felt my tears pouring out of my eyes. 

All of these different thoughts were running through my mind. 

Was he going to rape me? Was he going to kill me? Or was he going to do both.

I cant die yet. Im only 17!

I looked around and saw myself being pulled into an alley. I felt him push me roughly against the dirty wall. That was going to leave bruises.

The man looked at me with an evil smirk on his face sending shivers up my spine.

"Hey baby, no need to cry" He said with a raspy deep voice. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He only looked the age 18. He was strong. He looked like he worked out a little bit and he was a little bit taller than me.

I shook my head with his hand still on my mouth. He roughly grabbed my face so i was looking at him "I said dont fucking cry you little slut!" He said loudly while slapping me terribly hard across the cheek.

"Babyyyy. If you scream when i take my hand of y-your mouth. Ill make sure i fuck you extra hard" He laughed.

He took his hand off my mouth and i didnt scream. I couldnt even speak, i was so scared.

He smirked and grabbed the bottom of my jumper pulling it over my head. I didnt know what to do. I was going to be raped.

I felt his gross rough hands roaming all around my body, atleast i still had my bra on which made me feel a little bit better.

I saw his face get closer so i closed my eyes tightly while i felt his gross lips kissing mine. I tried pulling away but he wouldnt budge. 

I felt his hands going towards my back and reaching for the clip of my bra, but instead they went down to my jeans and i felt him undoe the zip and i felt his hands go into my underwear. I tried pushing him off again but he still wouldnt budge.

I felt disgusting and gross and dirty.

I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see anything.

I waited for it to happen but it never did. I opened my eyes and saw a someone go flying to the ground.

I slid down the wall so i was sitting on the ground crying.

I pulled my legs close to my stomach and wrapped my arms around them and closed my eyes tightly just wanting to see nothing.

Mum always told me to never walk alone at night but it was only 7. 

I felt a hand on my arm and i instantly flinched.

"Jasmine, its alright now. You can open your eyes" Said a voice. I couldnt quite make out whos voice it was because of my sobs.

I shook my head still sobbing.

"Jasmine, its me Justin. Please" Said the voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Justin crouching down so he was at my same height.

Seeing him made me feel a little better. Then i looked around and saw the guy sitting against the wall holding his bloody nose and lip.

Justin grabbed my jumper from the floor and handed it to me. I quickly put the jumper on and fixed my pants and slowly stand.

I knew i looked like a complete mess right now but i didnt even care.

Justin gave me a sad look and picked me up bridal style "Im going to take you home and make sure your parents are there"

I whiped my tears away "I only have a mum"

He looked down at me with a sad face and nodded "I called the cops when you were sitting there crying. I told them your adress so they can come and question you later alright"

I nodded and put my head against his chest while he carried me home, i saw my mums car in the drive way.

Shes going to freak when she finds out what happened.

Justin got to my porch and knocked on the door, mum opened it and her eyes immediatley went wide when she saw me in Justin's arms.

I heard her asking Justin a bunch of question and Justin answering each and every one of them.

I saw him taking me up to my room, he opened the door and put me on my bed and sat next to me pulling me into his shoulder.

"Your so lucky i was walking back from the pizza place and heard crying. If i didnt get there in time who knows what would have happened to you Jasmine" He said putting his arm around me.

I nodded slightly "Thank you so much Justin. Really you saved me from getting r-raped"

He looked down at me "I may be a dick sometimes but when your in trouble ill always help. I cant believe that guy! How could he do that to an innocent 17 year old" He shook his head.

After a little while i got really tired. I couldnt be bothered showering.

Justin looked at me "Im really sorry about what happened to you. I'll come over in the morning okay" 

I nodded slightly "Thank you Justin"

He smiled and nodded "Id never let a guy hurt a girl in anyway. Especially you alright" He said while giving me a little smile then walking out.

A little later mum came into the room with the cops and i had to explain everything, it was kinda awakward having my mum listen to what the guy done. But she held my hand while i explained everything to them.

After they left mum made me a hot chocolate and then i went to bed after it.

While i was laying in bed i was thinking about how extremely lucky i was that Justin was there tonight to save me from that horrible guy. If it wasnt for him who knows what could have happened to me.


Owwwwww Hope yous enjoyed!

Wasnt Justin so sweet to look after her like that ;) Hahah

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