Chapter 2

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Hey guys I just want to let you know this story is based in Australia. Thought I should have let yous know :) And also Jasmine's mum's name is Jess. 

Mine (Justin Bieber)
Chapter 2

After school Ariana and I went straight to her house and got dressed in our bikini’s because we felt like going into their heated spa. Her’s was light blue and mine was bright pink (Picture of Jasmines bikini up top). Showing off my tattoo that went down the side of my stomach.

We quickly made chocolate milkshakes and got into the spa and we instantly sighed because the water was so warm and since it was still winter it was still a bit cool.

I took a sip of my chocolate milkshake and sighed, we made the best milkshakes.

“Seriously we make the best milkshakes” Ariana said while smiling “Oh and guess what! I heard us year 12’s are going on a trip to the Gold Coast and staying near the beach for the week!” She said smiling widely.

You see we live in QLD Australia. And we live in a small place so when we get to go to The Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne we get extremely excited because we get to go shopping for decent clothes
[That’s pretty much what its like where I live. The only good shops we have is Supre or Jay Jays. It sucks]

My eyes widened, I never really go away or to the beach so I was bloody excited “Oh man I cant wait Ari, this is gonna be so fun! Do you know what were going to be doing when were there?”

Ari nodded “I saw the sheet on the notice board. We have a full day of shopping, we get to goto the beach twice. Theres also a day to do anything but you have to go with a group of people and sadly have a teacher with you. Then we get two days for the themeparks, then a relaxing day. Then the last day packing” She said with a wide smile.

This school trip is gonna be so fun!

We then heard the back door open and Josh walked out. Me and Josh got along great, he was like a brother to me.

I smiled “Josh! Give me a hug”

He laughed and walks over to the spa and leaned over and hugged me.

I have never liked Josh in any other way than a brother. Its not like the typical stories when you fall in love with your Bestfriends brother.

I liked Justin so it was like falling for your Bestfriends brothers bestfriend. Pretty different.

Josh smiled “Havent seen you in ages Jas! How was Sydney”

I smiled and laughed “It was great, super cold though. Went to the Rugby League, Roosters vs Sharks. It sucked we lost though. But we were in the front row so I loved it”
[That’s what I done in the holidays haha. Im a huge Sydney Roosters supporter]

Josh laughed “Yeah I watched that. Pretty unfair”

Then we heard the back door open again and I turned and saw Justin. OMG its Justin, and he looked so good!

Justin smiled “Hey Ariana” then he looked towards me “And person I don’t know” He smirked while checking me out making me feel a little uncomfortable.

Ariana rolled her eyes “Your so dumb Justin I swear! This is Jasmine, the girl I always hang out with. Geeze”

“Well sorry I don’t notice your friend” Justin said while rolling his eyes.

Okay he’s a bit of a douche. He could atleast be nice.

Josh then hit Justin’s shoulder which made me laugh slightly, then he looked at Justin “Dude don’t be such a dick. Jasmine is like a little sister to me. Plus were not in school anymore”

Justin sighed and looked at me, I think I might melt “Sorry I was a douche…Jasmine” He said while smirking at me. That dam sexy smirk of his….

So im working on writing the chapters so i can start uploading more. Im already upto chapter 5. I wont be updating much yet but soon after ive done a couple chapters ill put them up :)
- Nikita

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